TSSP: List Archives

From: Jon Tebbs
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 21:10:02 -0400
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Racing arc clues

Hi Paul, Terry & everyone,

I just signed on yesterday and have picked up this thread. Two things come to mind that I wanted to mention for consideration:

One, is there any correlation between small diameter secondaries showing a propensity for racing arcs? I'm thinking
along the lines of the _sharper_ radius of curvature. Granted that such secondaries are usually rather short and would
have a lesser standoff ability. Terry, might you field an inquiry on the other list? Thinking further out loud, the
smaller wire diameter typically used is probably more of a contributing factor as the voltage per unit of length increases...

Two, regarding sharp points and their contribution of stress points, a common example present on nearly every primary is
the cut end of the tubing at the start of the winding. I see I have some rework to do this weekend... forming a nice
gentle bend down, under & away... The tap point is another, I have personally seen corona off the tap point on my small
2" diameter coil. Relocating the tap to the underside of the primary alleviated the problem.

I'm honored to participate among the sharpest minds on this list. To be rather blunt about it, I am growing weary of the
hand waving on the TCML. No offense intended for those list members participating here and no reflection on Terry's
abilities as moderator --  he continues to do an excellent job.

Jon G. Tebbs
Mac In-house
On-site Service for Macs

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.