From: (Metlicka Marc)
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 18:25:02 -0400
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Secondary in motion
paul, everyone (just a few observations) i have been watching the p-k and pdv video's side by side, run in sync. and it seems to me that at higher k's the pulses of power to the oscillations are coming at the "wrong" times. by this i mean that the next "push" to the "ruler" is striking an opposing "flex"? if you start a car antenna oscillating by taping it with your hand getting it to build the oscillation, at some point you may hit it at the wrong time so that a great resistance is felt and it slows the oscillation. this is what seems to be happening? i also noticed that at these points of "out of sync." pulses, there is a corresponding sharp valley to the voltage gradient. if we look at the set for k=0.35 at 70% of the second cycle, this seems to be one of these "out of sync." pulses, a strong valley corresponds with it in the lower 25% of the windings. then if we follow that back to 60%, the sharp valley moves up the coil to center, so it is traveling down the secondary windings as the o.o.s. pulse is formed. maybe this could be some of the cause of the differences in potential of the windings, contributing to breakdown across them or to the primary? anyway, this could be something in it i hope others can see and understand what i'm seeing? marc m.
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,