From: Paul
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2001 11:17:46 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Secondary in motion
Marco Denicolai wrote: > Terry (or Paul), would you mind sending me the values of > Ces and Les of the coil we are talking about? For the secondary with primary in place but open circuit, I get f1 = 244.5 kHz, Ces = 22.6 pF Les = 18.7 mH For the primary alone, ie secondary removed altogether, I get Lp = 15.6 uH Cp = 27.16 nF f = 244.5 kHz The above Cp is a little different to Terry's actual 27.7 nF - I fiddled my value slightly to set the primary Fres to match the secondary. Now, when the system is put together, I get the main mode frequencies, f- = 209.0 kHz f+ = 299.9 kHz Terry's measured primary values are, Lp = 15.575 uH Cp = 27.7 nF f = 242.31 kHz and for the secondary, f1 = 252.91 kHz so that the real coil appears to be slightly out of tune as well as over-coupled, whereas the modeled version over-coupled but the tuning is pretty close. I'm going to adjust the model's Ctop slightly to bring the model's secondary f1 into line with the real coil, and similarly for the primary free resonance. Then the model will be equally out of tune, and I'll recompute the dual resonator response once more. Hopefully we'll get a better match with that rather complicated over- coupled and out of tune waveform. The comparison at present is quite good on the mode amplitudes, but the phase is all over the place. More to follow on this later, Cheers, -- Paul Nicholson, Manchester, UK. --
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,