TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 20:11:10 -0600
Subject: [TSSP] UNIX for Windows

Hi All,

As you know, Paul uses UNIX for his programming.  This makes it sort of
hard for the rest of us to run his programs in the Microsoft Windows world.
 However, there is a wonderful   -->free<--  UNIX shell program at:


It is a big 63Mbyte download and it installs about 120Mbytes of files but
it gives you a super nice UNIX $ prompt.  Much like the dos prompt in
windows.  I ran a bunch of test programs of Paul's and they ran perfectly.
It does not mess with the system or registry so you just delete the files
if you want to uninstall it.  It is very painless once you get past the
size.  It runs under Windows 9x, ME, 2000, NT.  Much more information is at
the site above.  It has a simple installation program that basically
unpacks the files where you want and makes an icon.  It can also keep track
of revision levels for updates but it seems very mature.  Apparently it has
been around awhile.

I also have "UNIX in plain English"  ISBN 1-55828-345-5  MIS: Press
Reichard and Johnson  which is basically a beginner's book on UNIX to let
you know how to make a directory and move a file and stuff.  Although, you
can still use all the windows tools too.  I really like the side by side
DOS and UNIX equivalent tables ;-)  Most commands are very similar...  So
you know how much "I" know about UNIX now ;-))

Cygwin seems to have all the C C++ FORTRAN... and all the typical UNIX
tools included.  It has the GCC compiler to make Paul's C program's into
executables.  It also has zip unzip and the native tar compression programs.

So if you are a 32 bit Windows user without LINUX or your tired of
rebooting into LINUX, I can highly recommend this one.  It worked out
amazingly smoothly and it seems to love Paul's programs and lets the rest
of us play too ;-))  I am not sure if it is much slower but it seems fast
enough to me.  There is a screen capture at:


This removes the problem of trying to convert Paul's programs to Windows
style C language programs which is really hard for me since I don't know
much about C either ;-))

If 63MB is too much for your old 14.4k BPS modem ;-))  I can burn the thing
onto CDrom and send it to you.



Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.