TSSP: List Archives

From: "Malcolm Watts"
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 09:19:03 +1200
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Progress at 12/05/01

      With regard to top volts measurement, I'm guessing that such 
things as plane antenna probes and dV/dx techniques are seen to be 
wanting under real powered conditions (i.e. with and without breakout 
at "normal" running powers. Correct? I'd have to agree that 
extrapolation from steady state msmts is a risky proposition and 
hardly scientific. Are there any low level techniques that I've 
omitted to mention?
      I may be able to help with low h/d msmts. I am willing to 
sacrifice a 17+" resonator that I consider unsuitable for serious 
powered use as it is probably too short (about 3-1/2 feet) for 
generating the longest streamers (too many would go for the strike 
rail as output voltage is ramped up and flashovers may also present a 
problem. Looks pretty but a no-goer in my book. This coil is 
closewound on a skeletal form over a 3mm (or thereabouts) wrap of 
HDPE which is tenuously supported by the edges of a system of plexi 
ribs. The coil is probably not perfectly uniform (bowed inward a 
little towards the centre). It is closewound with 0.9mm Cu dia wire 
(with attendant polyesterimide insulation) and has a number of coats 
of varnish applied. It *might* be possible to turn this into several 
free standing coils of modest h/ds although may need more varnish to 
be self-supporting. The former would have to be destroyed in order to 
get the coil/s off in one piece which doesn't really worry me. I 
already have a decent coilform for a much higher voltage coil so I'm 
not worried about losing this one to science :)
      What I need to know is: what exactly needs to be measured, the 
exact experimental conditions, etc. Whether I can meet those will be 
determined by your reply.


Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.