TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 23:01:28 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Short Coil Experiments

Kurt wrote:

> the new measurements of the d=0.385m; h/d=1.15

Thanks. I've run these through the mill to get

 sk38b50: bare d=0.384m h/d=1.15 sr=0.79 turns=346 w/o mat
 f1    221.3kHz  230.1kHz +4.0%
 f3    506.5kHz  557.2kHz +10.0%
 f5    748.8kHz  882.5kHz +17.9%
 f7    831.0kHz 1222.5kHz +47.1%

without any correction for material dielectric.

(Kurt, the f7 measurement is suspicious - I'd expect something
 around 980 kHz.  I see you flagged it as questionable.)

The rising trend in errors is clear, and similar to what we have seen on
other coils, eg Finn's

 fh1: bare d=0.160m h/d=0.91 sr=0.86 turns=500 w/o mat
 f1    340.0kHz  361.8kHz +6.4%
 f3    725.0kHz  878.5kHz +21.2%
 f5   1100.0kHz 1355.9kHz +23.3%
 f7   1450.0kHz 1838.2kHz +26.8%

We've seen this pattern on other coils too, but thanks to these readings
we begin to see clearly that it is a small h/d thing.  Evidence
accumulates that the errors occur because we don't take account of the
material dielectric.  Finn's coil has 5.5mm of PVC (rel.perm = 3.4),
and Kurt's is 8mm of solid paper (rel.perm = 3.1).

If we take the material thickness as a percentage of the length, we get

 Kurt's: 0.8/44 = 1.8%
 Finn's: 0.55/14.5 = 3.8%

which we can use as an indication of the potential effect of the former.
I put in a rough correction for this, which came out with the right sort
of order of magnitude of change, which is encouraging.  It also improves
the results from larger h/d coils too, where the rising error trend is
still present, but less, eg Kurt's Sk-long coil:

 sk16b50: bare d=0.161m h/d=8.71 sr=0.85 turns=1976 w/o mat
 f1    152.3kHz  155.5kHz +2.1%
 f3    387.2kHz  385.8kHz -0.4%
 f5    564.2kHz  567.2kHz +0.5%
 f7    713.0kHz  725.8kHz +1.8%
 f9    850.0kHz  871.8kHz +2.6%
 f11   973.3kHz 1010.2kHz +3.8%

If we put in an approximate correction for the 3mm PVC, we get

 sk16b50: bare d=0.161m h/d=8.71 sr=0.85 turns=1976 matcor
 f1    152.3kHz  155.3kHz +1.9%
 f3    387.2kHz  382.4kHz -1.2%
 f5    564.2kHz  557.8kHz -1.1%
 f7    713.0kHz  708.4kHz -0.6%
 f9    850.0kHz  845.0kHz -0.6%
 f11   973.3kHz  972.9kHz -0.0%

which suggests that the correction is not quite enough. A similar
correction to Kurt's h/d=1.15 coil gives,

 sk38b50: bare d=0.384m h/d=1.15 sr=0.79 turns=346 matcor
 f1    221.3kHz  225.9kHz +2.1%
 f3    506.5kHz  525.4kHz +3.7%
 f5    748.8kHz  810.1kHz +8.2%
 f7    831.0kHz 1097.5kHz +32.1%

which, apart from the doubtful f7, shows a similar improvement.

The correction used counts as a fiddle factor, although the order of
magnitude is about right.  I'll have to do something a bit smarter, but
it means writing another laplace solver - about a days work. Fortunately
I only have to run it once in order to produce a suitable functional
approximation which can then be incorporated into the model.

Kurt, you also supplied results for Sk-5cm,

 sk5b503: bare d=0.051m h/d=8.03 sr=0.91 turns=934 w/o mat
 f1    979.7kHz 1030.8kHz +5.2%
 f3   2428.7kHz 2531.9kHz +4.3%
 f5   5300.0kHz 3707.7kHz -30.0%
 f7   6924.6kHz 4739.0kHz -31.6%
 f9   8643.1kHz 5694.6kHz -34.1%

Something a bit astray with f5 and above.  I get a better match if I
interpret the results as:

 sk5b503: bare d=0.051m h/d=8.03 sr=0.91 turns=934 w/o mat
 f1    979.7kHz 1030.8kHz +5.2%
 f3   2428.7kHz 2531.9kHz +4.3%
 f5             3707.7kHz
 f7             4739.0kHz
 f9   5300.0kHz 5694.6kHz +7.4%
 f11            6605.9kHz
 f13  6924.6kHz 7502.1kHz +8.3%
 f15            8384.8kHz
 f17  8643.1kHz 9272.9kHz +7.3%

and with material correction:

 sk5b503: bare d=0.051m h/d=8.03 sr=0.91 turns=934 matcor
 f1    979.7kHz 1027.3kHz +4.9%
 f3   2428.7kHz 2486.4kHz +2.4%
 f5             3585.5kHz
 f7             4519.3kHz
 f9   5300.0kHz 5363.7kHz +1.2%
 f11            6154.7kHz
 f13  6924.6kHz 6921.2kHz -0.0%
 f15            7666.8kHz
 f17  8643.1kHz 8410.0kHz -2.7%

Kurt, perhaps you can have a look for the missing resonances?

One last observation, concerning Q factors: The Q of Kurt's sk38b50
is very low, around 100, compared with a predicted Q of well over 500.
Is this the sonotube effect we see here.  My book on dielectric
properties gives the loss factor of paper/cardboard as 0.02, which is

I'll see if I can use a laplace solution to improve the material
correction, but so far it sure looks like it can account for the bulk
of the higher mode error.

Paul Nicholson,
Manchester, UK.

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.