TSSP: List Archives

From: "Malcolm Watts"
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 10:57:03 +1200
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Progress at 12/05/01

Hi Paul,

> The problem with the E-field pickup is that it collects some kind of
> average reading from the whole coil, which doesn't deliver a top voltage
> unless we calibrate the E-field pickup against a top volts reading from
> a directly applied scope probe at small signal.  The trouble is, the 
> calibration thus achieved, if applied to power operation, misses the
> very thing we are trying to home in on - the non-linear behaviour. So
> I'm hoping we can find a more direct method.

Got it. You don't mention the differential probe. Problems there? 

> Having thought about your 17" resonator, I doubt that it would be 
> suitable.  When the measurements disagree with the model, (as they
> probably will) we would not be able to rule out the possibility that
> the distortion of the coil former is responsible.  I have the same
> problem with my h/d=1.36 - the coils are slightly barrel shaped - I've
> been using an average radius, which we get away with at f1, but it 
> leaves doubt about where we stand at the higher modes.
> Really I'm trying to find some h/d < 1.5 coils that can be compared with
> the model on the basis of the geometry alone.  Which means a coil with
> a minimal former yet maintaining good shape!         

Well it shouldn't be hard to build something. I'll look into it.
> Anyway, the 17" by 3.5' coil that you describe sounds ideal for some Q
> factor and eddy coupling measurements that I can think of, so it would
> be a pity to break it for that reason alone.

OK - let me know what's required (exact methods etc.).


Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.