TSSP: List Archives

From: "Malcolm Watts"
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 16:56:44 +1300
Subject: Re: [TSSP] pn2511 is baloney

Hi Terry, Paul and all,
                        Just to pick up on one point (which I've 
thought about long and hard.....

On 25 Dec 00, at 23:16, Terry Fritz wrote:

> Hi Paul,
>  You will be happy to know I have finally started to really scrutinize
>  your
> paper (pn2551 0.1a).  Sorry it took so long but been busy ;-))  My
> thought below are just thoughts as I dig through it so don't take them
> as gospel. Just my thoughts...

> 10.	In section 8 you regard the top load as only a capacitance and
> thus its effects.  However, there is debate about how a toroid may
> effect the coil as a shorted turn.  The shorted turn effect of a top
> toroid does not seem to be significant (perhaps due to its poor
> conductivity), but the data here is poorly understood.  Would any of
> this shed light on this subject and would it affect section 8's
> assumption that the top load is just a capacitance and not a shorted
> turn too.

I urge anyone who wishes to dismiss the coupling of the terminal as 
trivial to consider its dimensions and proximity relative to an end 
of the coil as they would for a primary. k is not great and it would 
be fair to say that the closest portions of the terminal couple most 
strongly to the closest turns of the coil. Consider that an easy 
coupling constant to reach for a primary is 0.1  The mystery is why 
cutting a band in it affects the frequency of the secondary so little.
There might be several things going on at once - a lack of coupling 
into the top turns from the now hacked toroid leaves more turns 
looking like turns and does what? to the capacitance because of it?


> So that's what I saw in two hours of reading it here in bed with the
> laptop computer.  I hope this is of help.
> Cheers and Merry Christmas!,
>  Terry

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.