TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 13:02:48 +0000
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Inductance of a flat spiral coil

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Paul Nicholson,
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Message-ID: <3C6E5776.4ECC2810@abelian.demon.co.uk>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 12:58:30 +0000
From: Paul 
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To: John Tomacic 
Subject: Re: Flat secondary measurements
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I copied those sums to the tssp list, so that the heavies on
there can tell us if it's wrong.

We assumed a 1.0 spacing ratio so far, ie a perfectly wound coil
with absolutely no gaps between the wires.  I thought I'd see if
the optimum shape factors varied when you use practical spacing
ratios.  I've altered the two input files to take account of the
spacing ratios.  

Paul Nicholson,
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; Sample input file for acmi.
; Finding the solenoid form factor which gives highest L for a given
; piece of wire.
; See 
; http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/alansharp/mathpage.htm
; This input file demonstrates Alan Sharp's conclusion that the max L for a 
; given piece of wire occurs when H/D is around 0.45

; First the fixed quantities 
wirelen = 1400 * 12/39.37  ; A fixed 1400 feet (in metres)
wirediam = 0.001           ; A fixed 1 mm diameter wire

;  And we'll vary the form factor and spacing ratio...

sr = [from 0.5 to 0.9 step 0.1]      ; spacing ratio
formfac = [from 0.1 to 1 step 0.05]  ; Our desired range of form factors

;  And now the dependant quantities...
turns = sqrt( wirelen * formfac * sr/(wirediam * 3.14159))
height = turns * wirediam/sr

;  Finally, the coil description.
coil {
   radius  height/formfac/2
   height1 0
   height2 height

   conductor wirediam/2
   turns turns

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; Sample input file for acmi.
; Finding the flat coil dimensions which gives highest L for a given
; piece of wire.

; First the fixed quantities (same as sharp.in)
wirelen = 1400 * 12/39.37  ; A fixed 1400 feet (in metres)
wirediam = 0.001           ; A fixed 1 mm diameter wire

;  Defining a 'spiral factor' to be (outer_radius-inner_radius)/outer_radius...
;  we vary this and the spacing ratio

sr = [from 0.5 to 0.9 step 0.1]          ; spacing ratio
spirfac = [from 0.05 to 0.95 step 0.05]  ; Our desired range of spiral factors

;  And now the dependant quantities...
turns = sqrt( sr * wirelen/3.14159/wirediam/(2/spirfac - 1))

;  Finally, the coil description.
coil {
   radius1  turns * wirediam/(sr * spirfac) * (1-spirfac)    ;  Inner radius
   radius2  turns * wirediam/(sr * spirfac)                  ;  Outer radius
   height 0

   conductor wirediam/2
   turns turns



Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.