TSSP: List Archives

From: mystuffs@orwell.net (Metlicka Marc)
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2002 18:14:59 -0500
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Marc's flat coil

"Barton B. Anderson" wrote:
> Hi Marc, question:
> > series Q = 4.3
> Can you explain this Q measurement (I'm assuming this value is from a
> directly connected probe?)

On the esi bridge, in order to get accurate inductance readings the Q
dial must be turned down in conjunction with the sensitivity and L-R-C
dials. Depending on whether a series or parallel test is being made, is
which reading is made from the dial.
Dissipation and q can both be read on capacitance, q on inductors. D and
Q on this meter can be extended for up to 10khz and Q readings as high
as 10,000 readings of capacitors with the use of the external rheostat
unit (which i would like to find). Large core inductors can also be read
using external dc across the ext. bias terminals.
I like this meter very much, but it took getting the manual to get the
most out of it.

Hope this helps,

> Thanks,
> Bart

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.