From: Paul
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 09:50:12 +0000
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Ion Cloud Loading
Further to this, It occured to me that it might be better/safer to drive the coil from the TCT via a few well insulated primary turns, otherwise fine tuning could be nerve racking. Terry wrote: > I found no evidence that the coil's DC potential had any > affect on the system's resonant frequency Oh, I see now. If fres varied, then you'd expect a lower amplitude. > The "Q" of the coil setup was about 15.8 (253/16) So not a very sensitive test, I think. How about repeating it with TCT into primary, freq counter, and a much smaller topload (so that the 'ion C' has a greater relative effect). Greg wrote: > I suspect that it's the additional capacitance of the streamer > channels themselves which are actually responsible for any > measured tuning shifts. And I'm guessing that Bert would concur. The streamer channels, rather than a cloud of ionised gas molecules, would be the major source of an 'upheld' charge. Oh, and while we're putting kV of DC into the coil base, would this give a nice and accurate method for estimating the total Cdc of the secondary? Charge to a few kV, disconnect the Bertan, and then time the voltage decay as it leaks back to ground via a known shunt resistance? -- Paul Nicholson, --
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,