TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 17:55:58 +0000
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Ion Cloud Loading

Hi Terry,

That sounds like a pretty sensitive test then.  And not a hint of
frequency shift, even when the nearby 50kV terminal began to give
off corona.  But its hard to draw any firm conclusion because we
don't know in advance whether ionised gas molecules from the DC
electrode would be expected to drift over to the vicinity of the
RF terminal.  

>From Bert's comments, it looks like we ought to forget ionisation
and focus on streamer loading.  

I always used to assume that streamers contained a negligible amount
of charge, but following last years discussions on the subject, I've
had to revise that understanding.  The fact that coilers report more
effective streamering from larger toploads (at the expense of top-
volts) suggests that a large charge reservoir is required, implying
in turn that a large amount of charge is going out into the         
streamers.   Scope traces from Electrum show clear indications of
this happening.  So now I'm quite happy with the idea, qualitatively
at least.  Quantitatively, we've a long way to go before we can
say how long the streamers will be from a given system, I think?

Our previous discussions on this reached a point where it would be
nice to measure the topload field gradient at the point of breakout,
because we decided that this would occur at a certain V/cm.  If we
could show that breakout was predictable, we could then say with
confidence at what variac setting a particular coil would break out.
Considering that we can calculate the top volts quite accurately,
given a scope trace of the base current, and that E-Tesla can 
report the max gradient around the topload for a given Vtop, this is
something that we ought to be able to do, I think.

> Snow Day!! :-))))

I'll have some of that!   Hope you're set for a day of interesting
experiments.  Got any short h/d coils?   We could do with some
measurements of Les, because it sounds like there are some folk who
still need convincing about effective inductance.  Measuring the
base current and top voltage on a short solenoid (h/d < 1) or flat
spiral would demonstrate the point nicely, by giving an inductance
noticeably larger than Ldc.  Wonder...what's the Fres of that little
helical primary you have in the picture?  h/d about 0.8 is it?
Paul Nicholson,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.