TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 13:43:22 +0000
Subject: Re: Ready :-)) - Re: [TSSP] short H/D and stuff

Hi Terry,

I modeled the test coil...

Comparison of measurements (3-23/raw.CSV) with model (tfcp1.in):

        Meas        Model     Error
  Rdc   32.65 ohms  32.91     +0.8%  (@25 degC), less 0.4% per degC
  Ldc   39.0 mH     39.2      +0.5%

  f1/4  229.931 kHz 231.6 kHz +0.7%
  Q1/4  463.3       363.7     -21%
  f3/4  578.079 kHz 583.9 kHz +1.0%
  Q3/4  183.9       449.3     +144%

  f5/4  903.578 kHz 939.5 kHz +4.0%
  Q5/4  108.48      412.1     +280%

The model reproduces f1 and f3 without difficulty. f5 is showing
signs of the coil former dielectric, but we can still use it.  The
model is not making any corrections for the bucket plastic in the
above figures. I set the coil base height to 12".

The following current profiles should be reliable predictions:


Some specific predictions of the current profile's turning points:

  f1/4  Height       Current
         31%         Ibase * 1.38   Maxima

  f3/4  Height       Current
         14%         Ibase * 1.94   Maxima
         47%         Zero           Minima
         88%         Ibase * 2.0    Maxima

  f5/4  Height       Current
          9%         Ibase * 2.15   Maxima
         28%         Zero           Minima
         49%         Ibase * 2.35   Maxima
         70%         Zero           Minima
         88%         Ibase * 2.15   Maxima

The setup of the coil on the polystyrene base appears to be
perfectly fine for the current profile measurements.  I'm quite
happy that the model is working correctly and giving a good 
representation of this setup.

I'm also very happy with both the single shot and the avg 16 scope
traces, the trace analysis seems to perform very well on them. 
More to follow later...
Paul Nicholson,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.