TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 00:35:51 +0000
Subject: [TSSP] Tesla Coil Mode Analyser

Tcma can now be said to be working, as it is achieving the maximum
theoretical accuracy on test data, eg on a noise-free set of 4

PK  FREQ kHz (Error +/-)    Q FACTOR (Error +/-)   LEVEL
 1   82.002 (0.01%,9Hz)      229.83 (0.09%, 0.2)  -0.1dB
 2  330.006 (0.01%,37Hz)     166.03 (0.02%, 0.0)  -17.9dB
 3  520.000 (0.01%,58Hz)     120.02 (0.04%, 0.0)  -24.8dB
 4  749.994 (0.01%,87Hz)     103.06 (0.09%, 0.1)  -33.0dB
Accounted for 100.00% of input signal

and on real trace data averaged over 16 shots, eg

3-26 TEK00008.CSV
PK  FREQ kHz (Error +/-)    Q FACTOR (Error +/-)   LEVEL
 1  229.951 (0.02%,36Hz)     268.92 (0.07%, 0.2)  -0.1dB
 2  578.068 (0.09%,501Hz)    138.21 (0.70%, 1.0)  -16.2dB
 3  903.912 (0.49%,4402Hz)   105.65 (6.04%, 6.4)  -22.1dB
Accounted for 99.73% of input signal

I'm fairly sure that the residual Q errors are due to trace noise,
Most of it is due to quantisation noise: if I quantise the noise-
free test data so that it has the same dynamic range as the scope
vertical resolution, we get:

PK  FREQ kHz (Error +/-)    Q FACTOR (Error +/-)   LEVEL
 1   82.002 (0.01%,9Hz)      228.43 (0.17%, 0.4)  -0.1dB
 2  330.006 (0.06%,214Hz)    165.93 (0.81%, 1.3)  -17.9dB
 3  519.989 (1.54%,8007Hz)   118.25 (6.98%, 8.3)  -24.8dB
Accounted for 99.73% of input signal

and tcma is unable to discern the 4th component reliably. The
pattern of Q and F errors is almost identical to that of the 
real avg-16 trace data. This strongly suggests that averaging over
16 shots is sufficient to achieve max accuracy, and that further
accuracy is limited by the vertical resolution (512 steps) of the

If anyone wants to have a go at compiling this, there is a draft
copy of the code in 


Compile with 

 cc -o tcma tcma.c -lm

Run by piping the trace data file into the program, eg

 ./tcma < TEK00000.CSV

If you just want an FT of the trace, do

 ./tcma -ft < TEK00000.CSV > tek00000.ft.csv

The program does not yet handle closely coupled resonators.

Paul Nicholson,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.