TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 17:50:53 -0600
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Secondary voltage stress factor

Hi Paul,

>Please can we have some captured traces of topvolts in a discharging
>TC so that I can test this part of the model?  
>This is one of those situations that calls for an experimental test.
>Something like a solid state gap, modest bang voltage, earthed 
>electrode brought up to the toroid for a low voltage discharge. 
>Base current CT, and something to pickup the top volts. We can look
>at the size of the base current transient which occurs 1/4 cycle 
>after the discharge to see if it's consistent with the model.
>One possibility is that the nature of the simulated discharge is
>unreal.  The program simply removes the stored charge from the top-
>load in between two time steps of the model, ie within around 30nS.
>Thereafter the top voltage is no longer clamped to earth and is free
>to rise again - perhaps in the real coil the discharge can continue
>for much longer, clamping the topvolts down, and altering the 
>characteristics of the transient.

I looked around and all the stuff I have is air streamers.  I used to have a
few discharge graphs but they were pretty out of date since they were done so
long ago.

I can see terminal voltage to about 100MHz and currents to 20MHz.  Is that good
enough?  I note you had problems with the animations of the fequency response
was too low.  I can see streamer currents, discharge currents, coil to terminl
currents and all that.  


I would probably have to disconnect the Sun computer and put it to sleep for
discharge tests like these.  So maybe best to wait until sfaq is done.  I can
try to get some wet lawn/dry lawn data for qvar in the mean time.

Think about exactly what voltages and currents you want to see.  I would
probably use the small coil for this but with a fiber optic in/out current
sensing top terminal.

Boris asked:
>Does Terry has racing spark problems when runing his
>TC detuned near k=0.2?

The small coil system is an auto quench coil so it only has a coupling of
0.117.  Too low for racing arcs.




Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.