TSSP: List Archives

From: boris petkovic
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 11:42:52 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Topload breakout potentials

Hi Paul,
> which reach 900kV at the top, giving 28kV/cm toroid
> surface gradient.
Well,that should be just enough for thing to get start
firing in continious run.But very low bps rates or
single pulse mode might not show nothing (due to
reasons Bert and I mentioned in past on this list).

> Marc wrote:
> > gets multiple 80 - 90"ers
> Is there really more than one streamer, or is this
> persistance of
> vision?  Do we need to argue about the 3pF/metre
> streamer cap?  It
> ought to depend on the thickness of the streamer,
Depends very little I guess.For a flat long wire
perpendicular to a g.plane,the depedence of wire
diameter to capacity per meter goes in logarithmic way

(about TT42 19 kv/cm on toroid and any form of of
visible breakout):
In normal atmospheric conditions (20 C,1 bar,normal
humidity factor 1) 19 Kv/cm can not support corona
ignition by no means.
Somehypotesis regarding this pecularity arise :
1)Toroid geometry isn't pure toroidal or geometry
togather with coil body isn't defined very precisely.

2)Toroid isn't perfectly smooth but this case is
hardly to belive knowing John's expertise in making

3)Celling,walls etc are too close and increase field
to 26 kv/cm.This isn't case either I affraid.

4)Bang size energy varies or is higher.


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