From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 19:37:58 -0600
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Happy Birthday!
Hi Paul, Simply put, this project has extended the "state of the art" in Tesla coil theory a few orders of magnitude in these last few years!! Don't be too dismayed that it does not "seem" to be making headlines. Many people look and their jaws drop and they are left speechless. They realize that they are suddenly "far" behind so they can't add much. But they do listen and they know that the science is pretty precise these days. In time, others will come out of the woodwork in surprising ways! I am extremely happy to see so many more experimentalists helping out these days! Many coilers are not technical. My friend Dave is an insurance agent that know zero about electronics. He simply says "I do what Terry tells me" :o)) Maybe they don't know, but they know that we know :-)) In three months, he went from seeing a coil for the first time, to now he has a better coil than I do!! So they may not understand, but they do listen very hard!! The pseudoscientific folks try hard but they are more for just entertainment these days. I have stopped a few stupid arguments just by "name dropping" the TSSP project. None of them want to take the TSSP project on because they know they are far far outgunned there ;-)) And even they "watch" us 8-)) If you want more hits, that is just a matter of advertising :-) Hot-streamer gets about 750 hits a day so I'll put up an "ad" ;-) I hope to get setup here real quick to provide more hard test data. I can't help but think "you" Paul have done 99% of all the work in this. I sincerely thank "you"!!!! I remember trying to piece together mutually coupled inductors, caps, resistances... in BASIC... But i just didn't have the skills. But then you came along and I just sit mesmerized at your wonderful work!! Rest assured that it is much easier watching someone else do it :o))) You sometimes say you wonder why all this has not been done years ago. I think you will agree that this stuff is not "easy" ;-)) Cheers, Terry At 08:57 PM 5/17/2002 +0100, you wrote: >The project is 2 years old this month! > >An opportunity for a quick recap of progress so far. Since >May 2000, we have > >* Documented the equations which describe the low-frequency behaviour >of the resonator, with basic theory notes in > > > >and a more detailed description, using the rather nice and general >formulation in terms of integral operators, in > > > >which includes the dual resonator TC. > >* Demonstrated that these correctly describe the behaviour of the snip...
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,