From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 18:55:41 -0600
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Experiment 7
Hi Paul, I can't think of much more to do with the experiment at this moment except maybe try to isolate a few things we saw. So I too am in the "pondering" stage... I want to make a little cage for may small coil so I can run it without worrying too much about the computers and burning the place down. It would also provide a fairly consistent "environment" for measurements and such. Hopefully I can get it worked on this weekend. I see you want some current measurements and such. Cheers, Terry At 07:25 PM 5/17/2002 +0100, you wrote: >Hi Terry, > >I haven't had chance to do anything yet with the results, but >I'd like to summarise some observations and conclusions from the >first eight expts in a web page with examples of the various events >drawn from the raw data. I don't know where to go next with the >experiments and perhaps things will be clearer after a write-up. > >What's this about a faraday cage - what have you got in mind for it? >-- >Paul Nicholson, >--
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,