TSSP: List Archives

From: boris petkovic
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 11:52:05 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Racing arcs

Hi Terry,All,

I wrote:
if I remember you mentioned one local coiler
> of
> >yours had flashover accidents with that type of
> >setting? Termed that like sort of "transformer"
> >action?
> >Well,call it the way you want but I'm going to call
> >it:"Potato action" (according to a "nice" voltage 
> curve >profile).

Terry wrote:

> In my youth trying to build a Tesla coil, I tried a
> number of small
> primary/secondaries that were more loosely coupled
> pulse transformers.  No
> tuning really just discharge a cap into a few turn
> primary with a many turns
> secondary in the middle.  My small little coil in a
> 7 inch diameter jar could
> blow right through 3 inches of oil and the glass jar
> easily.  Yes, the coupling
> was low but the load impedance before the spark was
> very high so the voltage
> shot right up.  "i" think the same effect may
> account for racing arcs and the
> very long (like) one foot primary to secondary arcs
> we see when a coil is out
> of tune.  This idea has never caught on with anyone
> but "me" but I figure with
> all the work going on the truth either way will be
> found soon for sure. 
> "Potato action" is a little new to me ;-)) but
> anyway we can finally figure out
> what causes the bazaar powerful arcs is fine with me
> :-)  In Dave's coil, We
> tried to insulate the primary and secondary and
> foot+ long arcs just went right
> around the insulators.
Maybe there was misunderstanding about terminology
stuff.By "transformer action" I considered voltage
transformation V1:V2=N1:N2  characteristic for k~1
magnetic coupled coil circuits (modus operandi
distribution tranformers work) and nothing else.
As you said ,in your coil and Dave's as well,coupling
was low,but detuning casued pri-sec flashowers. 
I think these cases occure when Fpri>Fsec since
simulation shows that nasty local  voltage gradients
may appear for +50% detuning.Severe Fpri tune, you can't get it to
> arc an inch...
Toroid discharge was so short ,or  discharges in some 
other places?


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