TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 09:02:33 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Racing arcs

"Barton B. Anderson" wrote:
> Paul, I rescoped the coupled modes.. These came up right away:
> Calc:    Meas:
> 59.9     59.1
> 72.4     71.4
> 235.4    237
> 367.1    356

Thanks, that's more like it.  We're still about 1.5% out on
the two beat modes and 3% out on the 5/4 wave secondary mode.

We should be able to get better than 1% on them all, but I'll
settle for 1% at the beat frequencies.  Your mapping of the
primary inductance as a function of tap position should help
with that.  If you take N readings we can gain a factor sqrt(N)
on the accuracy.

I'd like to concentrate on setting up the 'cmod' page to reflect
the settings of the coils when tuned as you would normally
do for longest streamers.  If at the same time we can measure
the mode spectrum, as you have done, on the other coils, we
can then be sure that the apparent offset tunings are genuine.

Once the cmod page has got the in-tune conditions thoroughly
documented, we then have six degrees of freedom to move on
each coil:  tune up, tune down, primary up, primary down,
toroid up, toroid down.

I propose we set up a similar page to cmod, but for each coil
demonstrating an adjustment in each of the six dimensions.

Thus the cmod page will show the 'baseline' and we would
aim for eg a page ba0 with each of the 6 adjustments documented.
Ditto for jftt42a, jftt42b, etc.  

Alternatively, instead of an extra page for each coil, we could
instead have an extra page for each adjustment dimension, ie
a page showing the results for the 5 coils when tuned up, another
for the 5 tuned down, and so on.

Either way, we end up with a framework on which we can hang
quite a lot of results without loosing track of where we are. The
'cmod' page of ideally tuned coils sort of acts as a hub, an
origin if you like.

This does mean that those taking part will need to be able to
measure that mode spectrum and the coil inductances - will that
be possible?  Without that cross check I cannot be sure of the
model's correct representation of the coils unless the coil is
set up outdoors above a well defined ground plane.  Indoors
we could be 5% out or more if the effects of walls and ceilings
are misjudged.  
Paul Nicholson,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.