TSSP: List Archives

From: boris petkovic
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 13:01:15 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Topload breakout potentials

> > E-field probes with a minimum capacitive loading
> > should be placed on surface of toroid.

Paul wrote: 
> We can get away with that if they're right up close
> to the
> topload.
Closer the better.

> > Experiment shown it turned out very little shift
> was present?
> If so, then perhaps the only purpose of the offset
> tunings that
> we're seeing is to reduce the energy delivered to
> the secondary.
No,no-certain lowering of primary frequency is needed
exactly for purposes of maximall deliver  of energy to
corona arc since frequncy of secondary drops truout
discharging process due to arc loading.Most system
work best in 5-10% detuning area. 
My point was that  weakly energized part of cloud 
charge (which amount is considerable in my opinion)
does not directly take part in lowering secondary
frequeny during discharge while part of total charge
that belongs to hot arc (leader state) part does that.
As far I rememeber Terry or somebody else on this list
performed Malcolm's experiment where ions were
artifically sprayed just above toroid and frequncy of
secondary measured during the process.No significant
shift was detected on that occassion.  
> Sounds nice!  See you when you get back.
> --
I'm leaving  early in morning.Getting back on Saturday


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