TSSP: List Archives

From: "Malcolm Watts"
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 18:48:43 +1200
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Racing arcs

Hi all,

On 20 May 2002, at 17:23, Barton B. Anderson wrote:

> Hi Paul, Boris, All,
> Paul wrote:
> > I'll have to think about this development a little more.  But one
> > thing comes to mind - this should imply that the streamer roots
> > on the topload will try to space themselves as far apart from each
> > other as they can, because as one streamer forms, its addition to
> > the space charge above that region of the topload will tend to
> > suppress further new streamers in that area.  Only away from that
> > root will the surface field attempt to exceed 26kV/cm and start
> > a new streamer.
> Indeed! I'll second John's observations. Last night when I applied
> moderate power without breakout point, I was getting 1 to 2 streamers.
> When 2 streamers formed, they formed on opposite sides of the toroid, 180
> degrees apart.
> Bart

That idea is just what I've observed in action. In fact I've long 
suspected there is an element of mutual repulsion going on. The ball 
of nearly invisible streamers I've seen appears to be a reflection 
(npi) of this. 
      An interesting illustration of this can also be seen on a small 
low-powered coil. If there is nothing nearby to attract the 
streamers, they spread in all directions. If something is slowly 
moved towards the terminal, you can see the nearest streamers at 
first touch the object then, as the screwdriver point or whatever is 
moved closer still, more and more streamers join the party and if the 
screwdriver is still far enough away not to cause a "single" spark to 
be generated, what you see is a bunch of streamers terminated at the 
screwdriver trip, emanating from a limited area on the topload, and 
spreading away from each other in the intervening space. Looks like a 
sort of 3-d ellipsoid.


Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.