TSSP: List Archives

From: "Barton B. Anderson"
Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 23:34:27 +0000
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Racing arcs

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Hi Paul,

Following is my primary data in fixed width font. NOTE: Inner turn of
primary was incorrect previously. I was off by 0.375" (can't believe I
did that, but I did. When I found that error, I realized why I made it
and decided to get this primary down once and for all. Thus the

Turn      O.D.   LuH
1      11.375      3
1.5    12.25       4
2      12.9375     5
2.5    13.8125     6
3      14.5625     7
3.5    15.375      9
4      16.125     11
4.5    16.875     13
5      17.5625    15
5.5    18.3125    17
6      19.0625    20
6.5    19.8125    24
7      20.4375    26
7.5    21.1875    31
8      21.9375    34
8.5    22.75      39
9      23.375     43
9.5    24.1875    49
10     24.9375    53
10.5   25.625     60
11     26.3125    64
11.5   27.125     73
12     27.875     77
12.5   28.6875    87
13     29.375     91
13.5   30.125    102
14     30.9375   107
14.5   31.625    119
15     32.375    125
15.3   32.875    137

Today I began the tuning process. I first measured the sec w/toroid in
position = 69.7kHz. I used low power (transformer allowed only 100V in)
and set up my strike rod about 4 feet from edge of toroid and parallel
to toroid). I left the toroid at 77" as is.

I started deep in at turn 10 and worked my way out. Even at the low
voltage input, it is still no problem breaking out. However, to direct
the streamers toward the strike rod, I placed a breakout point on the
toroid. Here's the how it went.

Turn 10: several brushy sparks. infrequent rod hits. no racing sparks.
Turn 11: less brushy sparks. more rod hits. no racing sparks.
Turn 12: 4 to 5 sparks. many rod hits. no racing sparks.
Turn 13: 2 to 3 sparks. mostly rod hits. no racing sparks.
Turn 14: same as above.
Turn 15: 2 to 3 sparks. heavy rod hits but irratic. no racing sparks.

Went back between turns 13 and 14 and began tuning within these turns.
Best tune for sparklength was achieved at 13.5 turns and ended up with 1
to 2 sparks at a time.

Note, with "low power" I never had a problem with racing sparks (I guess
that would fit into the lastest theory as well). I removed the breakout
point and ran the voltage up for some moderate power levels. The coil
ran great, arcs were fierce, and no racing sparks. I didn't get a chance
tonight to adjust coupling. Still to be done. But when I do this, I
think I'll raise the primary as opposed to messing around with the
secondary. I expect maybe a 1/4" change from present.

I rescoped the coupled modes tonight after replacing a potentiometer
with a setup of a cource multiturn pot and a fine multiturn pot for
higher accuracy of the frequency. Took some time but worked out great.
Anyway, here are the modes (kHz) measured (tap at 13.5):

60.1, 71.7, 237.9, 366.

Can't give max spark lengths until I can get outside with the coil.
Tonight, even with only 100V input, I hit 6 feet at times (up and over
the strike rod), so it seems to be running pretty well. At best tune,
the sparks had a huge curve to them (heading up and curving back down to
the strike rod).

I like your thought of setting up the six dimensions for each coil. That
would really help organize the data and help out with what to test next.
I was hoping to get enough time to take the system outside over a ground
plane, but the weather didn't cooperate (windy, cloudy, periodic rain).

Take care,

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Hi Paul,

Following is my primary data in fixed width font. NOTE: Inner turn of primary was incorrect previously. I was off by 0.375" (can't believe I did that, but I did. When I found that error, I realized why I made it and decided to get this primary down once and for all. Thus the following):

Turn      O.D.   LuH
1      11.375      3
1.5    12.25       4
2      12.9375     5
2.5    13.8125     6
3      14.5625     7
3.5    15.375      9
4      16.125     11
4.5    16.875     13
5      17.5625    15
5.5    18.3125    17
6      19.0625    20
6.5    19.8125    24
7      20.4375    26
7.5    21.1875    31
8      21.9375    34
8.5    22.75      39
9      23.375     43
9.5    24.1875    49
10     24.9375    53
10.5   25.625     60
11     26.3125    64
11.5   27.125     73
12     27.875     77
12.5   28.6875    87
13     29.375     91
13.5   30.125    102
14     30.9375   107
14.5   31.625    119
15     32.375    125
15.3   32.875    137

Today I began the tuning process. I first measured the sec w/toroid in position = 69.7kHz. I used low power (transformer allowed only 100V in) and set up my strike rod about 4 feet from edge of toroid and parallel to toroid). I left the toroid at 77" as is.

I started deep in at turn 10 and worked my way out. Even at the low voltage input, it is still no problem breaking out. However, to direct the streamers toward the strike rod, I placed a breakout point on the toroid. Here's the how it went.

Turn 10: several brushy sparks. infrequent rod hits. no racing sparks.
Turn 11: less brushy sparks. more rod hits. no racing sparks.
Turn 12: 4 to 5 sparks. many rod hits. no racing sparks.
Turn 13: 2 to 3 sparks. mostly rod hits. no racing sparks.
Turn 14: same as above.
Turn 15: 2 to 3 sparks. heavy rod hits but irratic. no racing sparks.

Went back between turns 13 and 14 and began tuning within these turns. Best tune for sparklength was achieved at 13.5 turns and ended up with 1 to 2 sparks at a time.

Note, with "low power" I never had a problem with racing sparks (I guess that would fit into the lastest theory as well). I removed the breakout point and ran the voltage up for some moderate power levels. The coil ran great, arcs were fierce, and no racing sparks. I didn't get a chance tonight to adjust coupling. Still to be done. But when I do this, I think I'll raise the primary as opposed to messing around with the secondary. I expect maybe a 1/4" change from present.

I rescoped the coupled modes tonight after replacing a potentiometer with a setup of a cource multiturn pot and a fine multiturn pot for higher accuracy of the frequency. Took some time but worked out great. Anyway, here are the modes (kHz) measured (tap at 13.5):

60.1, 71.7, 237.9, 366.

Can't give max spark lengths until I can get outside with the coil. Tonight, even with only 100V input, I hit 6 feet at times (up and over the strike rod), so it seems to be running pretty well. At best tune, the sparks had a huge curve to them (heading up and curving back down to the strike rod).

I like your thought of setting up the six dimensions for each coil. That would really help organize the data and help out with what to test next. I was hoping to get enough time to take the system outside over a ground plane, but the weather didn't cooperate (windy, cloudy, periodic rain).

Take care,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.