TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 20:10:04 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Racing arcs

Hi All,

I'm begining to wonder if this racing arc thing isn't simply
a case of the secondary breaking out before or together with
the topload.  Effectively the ROC of the sec may be as small or
even smaller than that of the topload. We see from the gradient
animations that the surface fields could be getting up into the
20kV/cm range, and are not that far behind the surface fields
of the topload.

If you look at gradients of the k=0.2 in-tune model


in which the primary is placed quite a way up the secondary in order
to achieve the k, the presence of the primary draws a whole bunch of
charge to the surface of the coil there, with the result a very high
surface field just level with the primary.  Little wonder that such
configurations are not used.

With the primary low down and out of the way, the surface field still
wants to go very high, for example in Marc's coil,


the gradient would like to rise to over 20kV/cm.  Remember though that
the coil is breaking out, so it is not reaching in this case the 960kV
predicted for it because that would give a topload surface field of
50kV/cm.  If breakout limits that in reality to 26kV/cm, the topload
will be limited to 960 kV * 26/50 = 500 kV.  What of the effect of
this topload breakout clamping on the coil surface field - is that
clamped by the same proportion?  If so then the 20kV/cm or so
predicted surface field is held down to the 10kV/cm mark, hence no
breakout from the secondary.

I can feel another ratio coming along.  How about defining a relative
breakdown threshold for the secondary, valid for a given topload. If
the topload is clamped by streamers to some voltage that gives 26kV/cm
at its surface, then somewhere on the secondary will be the point that
has the greatest radial (or perhaps vertical) surface field. Suppose
we take the breakdown ratio of the secondary to be that highest
surface field divided by 26kV/cm.  This is the same as defining

  highest surface field on the secondary
  --------------------------------------  = secondary breakdown ratio
   highest surface field on the topload

Thus if Malcolm's coil where driven up to 26kV/cm on the toroid, the
secondary would be peaking at around 12.5kV/cm and the ratio would be
12.5/26 = 0.48

Similarly, for all the coils, we have very roughly

ba0      ratio = 1.24     racing arcs every time
mw1      ratio = 0.48     none
jftt42b  ratio = 0.58     none
jftt42a  ratio = 0.56     very close to
mm3p     ratio = 1.30     never

Now the problem here is that Bart's and Marc's coils seem to exhibit
quite a high field strength off the top winding of the secondary, much
higher than the rest of the coil, so their breakout ratios come
out based on this figure.  (I might have guessed Marc's topload height
incorrectly but Bart's is right).  The top winding on Bart's coil
should be breaking out ahead of the topload.

However for both these two coils the more typical surface field on
the rest of the coil is quite a bit less.  To obtain a ratio more
descriptive of the coil as a whole, we could use the average
surface field, or perhaps the peak field ignoring the two end 10%'s
of the coil.  This latter approach gives

ba0      ratio = 0.65     racing arcs every time
mm3p     ratio = 0.54     never

The above figures are based on radial gradients. The same arithmetic
could be done for the vertical gradients, or for some combination of
the two that was felt to represent the total field gradient.

The field around the secondary falls away quicker than the field
around the topload, so that breakout from the secondary would tend to
be confined close to the surface rather than forming long streamers.

Note that altering the k factor alone would not affect the breakdown
ratio because the peak voltages achieved would be around the same,
only the timing would be different. But the act of raising the
secondary to lower the k would have the beneficial side effect of
reducing the secondary surface field and therefore reducing the
secondary breakdown ratio.

John wrote:

> Magnifier drivers show racing sparks too I think,

and others have said this, so clearly a close proximity primary is not
essential to promote racing arcs.  I've often seen magnifier tertiarys
set quite high off the ground.  I'd guess that would improve (reduce)
the tertiary's breakdown ratio, compared to the same coil fixed at
a lower height above ground.

> In Richard Hull's magnifier, he used a 1 foot long resonator, which
> gave an 11 foot streamer.  To eliminate racing sparks on the
> resonator, he used  6" x 20" toroids at each end of the resonator.

Yes.  I do hope that Richard's detailed notes, measurements, etc are
available somewhere.  I think this configuration would reduce the
overall radial field of the coil quite a bit, so a very low breakdown
ratio, probably limited by the *vertical* breakdown ratio rather than
the radial limit that we see with the 5 cmod coils.   I'm looking
forward to modeling that one!

> In general for two coil systems, the spark length tends to increase
> as the coupling is increased.  This suggests that more energy is
> reaching the secondary.  This makes sense since the spark gap has
> less time to lose energy.  This greater energy may directly be
> causing the racing sparks, by over-powering the winding in some
> fashion.

Yes, all the voltages would be reduced by some factor depending on
the overall Q.  If the Q were not high for some reason then the peak
voltages would be reduced significantly as k was lowered. But I think
you'd have to have quite a low Q and/or fairly low k to begin with.

Could it also be possible that altering k alters way the streamers
develop and therefore alters the effectiveness of the streamer's
clamping of the topvolts?  As k increases, the beat envelope
contracts so that the middle cycle topvolts peaks much higher than
the others.  Thus, per beat, the topload only really gets one or
two half cycles in which to form streamers, and most of the energy and
charge is delivered to the streamers in this middle cycle. Perhaps
the short duration of this peak allows the secondary volts to
overshoot the value commensurate with the topvolts clamping.  We
shan't be able to model that without knowing a little more about how
the streamers actually load the resonator.

> Lowering a toroid tends to reduce the spark length, and also tends
> to stop racing sparks.
> ...But could some shielding effect be occuring?

Yes, we might say that the lowered topload is shielding the coil
better and reducing that breakdown ratio.  Certainly the shielding
occurs - we can calculate that very accurately.

> Another question that occurs to me is; do racing sparks begin
> with a turn-to-turn breakdown, or does the spark jump over a
> number of windings?

Well I think the breakdown I've been talking about here is described
by your comment about magnifiers:

> often a great amount of corona and streamers that creap along the
> insulating sleeves

because I've been concentrating on the radial gradients.  But then

> Often, they appear to jump over and skip about
> an inch of winding or so, but maybe it's an optical illusion. If the
> sparks are jumping over windings, this would suggest an uneven
> voltage gradient on the secondary, due to higher frequencies in
> the winding.

This may be a different flavour of racing arc, a vertical gradient
thing, and high frequency ringing and transients is my favourite
candidate.  There would I think be a characteristic 'skip length' to
HF-induced racing arcs, associated with 'favourable' range of
frequencies.  Too high a frequency and there is too little energy
available.  Too low and the wave peaks and troughs are separated too
far apart along the coil to break down.  These HF components can
have three possible sources:

a) Present from the start of the bang, part of the characteristic
'tone' of the coil, these are derived by requiring that the spectrum
of normal modes of the coil reproduce the initial conditions of the
resonator at the firing point.  These definately exist and we can
model them quite accurately, eg as in


They increase with k, but are not particularly large in the examples
modeled so far.  They make up the fine detailed rippling that you
see on both the base current traces and the gradient animations.

b) Transients injected into the secondary by suddenly changing
boundary conditions aroung the topload. Eg sudden streamer formation,
discharge to earth, or sudden end to streamer loading, etc.  This
forces the energy of the coil, which to begin with is fairly well
concentrated into the two 'beat' modes, to redistribute itself to
match the revised boundary conditions. This 'scattering' process is
kind of like a thermodynamic process, and would eventually spread all
the coil's energy evenly across the full spectrum of modes - it
would look like a bathtub of water after you've had a good slosh
around in it.  Whether this process gets very far before the envelope
decays is something I'll be looking for in the scope traces.  Lots of
small gradual changes would have a less drastic effect than sudden
changes - in the latter case the sudden scattering of energy into HF
modes appears as an alternative and equivalent way to describe the
transient brought on by a step loss of charge from the topload.

>  Another thing I was thinking is that maybe the racing sparks begin
> with a arc-short between two adjacent windings, and this short
> causes a pulse or ringing along the coil, which then propagates
> along the windings, causing more racing sparks, or extending the
> racing sparks.  Does such an idea seem plausible?

Indeed, and that's a variation on the theme of (b).

And finally,

c) Transients induced at the firing point by unwanted resonances of
the primary and its circuitry, for example the bit of fluff at the
start of Marco's base current in


I estimated was putting some 80kV across the bottom 6 cm of the
secondary.  These kind of things, especially if they involve the
pri-sec mutual capacitance, would be very sensitive to relative
position of primary and secondary, and could well be localised
to that region.  If they were of such a frequency that it could
excite one of the secondary modes, then high gradients could appear
all along the coil (with racing arcs showing the appropriate skip

Just going back to the type (b) transients, those wouldn't tend to
show a well defined 'skip' because they contain a whole range of
modes forming themselves into a single 'step' transient moving
up and down the coil.  The type (c), if they affect the whole coil,
would tend to emphasise the pattern of nodes appropriate to the
particular excited mode.

One way or another, we're accumulating quite a few reasonable
candidate explanations here - for lots of different types of racing
arcs.  With all these species of racing arcs, it's getting more
like botany than coiling...
Paul Nicholson,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.