From: "Barton B. Anderson"
Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 14:42:17 +0000
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Topload breakout potentials
Hi Paul, All, I put up some photo's at my website. I thought it might be good for everyone to have a visual of what I'm working with. I got 5 photo's of sparks (of which 4 are put up). I'm not a great photographer and had difficulty's trying to run the system and run a camera. Note that these have some shutter time (don't think in terms of quanity of sparks per breakout). I really need to invest in a digital camera. I also took a couple spark photo's of my flat coil running at a low single MOT votlage - just for the fun of it. Take care, Bart
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,