TSSP: List Archives

From: boris petkovic
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 11:07:12 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Racing arcs

Hi All,

2 more things  to throw in  pot.
In all these mind-bending problems with arcing sparks
we are looking for actually dangerous situations where
field exceeds critical value 26~28 kV/cm.
Ie. seems reasonable that  such field is first to be
blamed for inital trigering of racing sparks phenomena
(wherever and whenever in system throut process
).Mechanisms and reasons,as we already know,are of
various type.   
I wouldn't know wether the following is possible ,and
if,to what extent:Some coilers do not ground their
primaries,so is there possibility that whole primary
conductor including secondary of power transformer
could be electrostaticaly charged to say 20-30KV DC ?
I was also wondering about how  inaccuracy in winding
of space wound coils affect transients tru secondary.
For instance ,990 turns of 1000 turns secondary are
separated with same distance ,but uncoutios coiler
(who hasn't got winding machine) makes mistake and
somwhere in middle of resonator 10 turns winds as if
it were close wound system.


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