TSSP: List Archives

From: Bert Hickman
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 07:44:20 -0500
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Topload breakout potentials

Hi Malcolm,

I think this would be a much more achievable approach! I was thinking
along the same lines over the weekend. Envision a graded column
consisting of identical RC sections sandwiched between grading rings or
toroids. Each section would consist of a parallel combination of series
connected capacitors and resistors between grading toroids/rings whose
ROC (at least at the upper sections) was large enough to inhibit corona
in the space between it and the inside surface of the coilform. This
should result in a stepwise linear grading of voltage along the entire
length of the column. Placing the divider chain in the center of the
secondary should also reduce the need for large ROC grading terminals,
since we only need to prevent corona formation due to local e-field
stresses between the toroid and nearby coil region which would also be
at a (hopefully) similar elevated potential. 

By using identical parallel RC values in each section (combined with a
larger C/smaller R at the base of the divider chain with an adjustable
"tweaking" adjustment), we should get a compensated divider capable of
measuring hundreds of kilovolts with reasonable DC and AC accuracy. By
using relatively high valued resistors in the chain (>10's or hundred of
megohms), prebreakout resistive loading can be minimized, and capacitive
loading of the divider can be compensated via system retuning. Although
the linear voltage profile along the column of the divider won't
precisely match that of the coil, it may be satisfactory.

Capacitors in the divider chain would need to have low a voltage
coefficient, ruling out most HV ceramic caps. And a chains of vacuum
caps might create undesirable X-radiation. Pressurized gas capacitors
would work, but these are not commonly available... it might be possible
to make them however. A series string of identical high voltage
polypropylene caps would work nicely. The resistors should ideally be
high voltage, low voltage coefficient type, but a series chain of 1 watt
carbon resistors might also do the trick. Wirewound resistors, while
having other desirable characteristics, will not provide the high
resistance desired to minimize resistive loading of the topload. 

All of the components in a section should be contained well within the
shielded portion between end toroids to prevent corona. The spacing
between outermost portion of the toroid and the inner wall of the
coilform must be sufficient to prevent corona under all loading
conditions of the secondary. Further, the distance must also be
sufficient to keep electrostatic coupling between the secondary and
sections of the voltage divider to a low enough value so as not to
unduly perturb the measurement. It would be nice if we could avoid the
need to fill the coilform with oil. This implies that we may need a
comparatively large secondary diameter. A small chain in a relatively
short/stout coil may provide us with a proof of concept. Will bend some
numbers this evening...

Best regards,

-- Bert --
Bert Hickman
Stoneridge Engineering
Coins Shrunk Electromagnetically!

Malcolm Watts wrote:
> Hi all,
>         I have been thinking some more about the possible forms a
> probe might take. My initial idea was to effectively pipe the HV out
> through the bottom of the coil. That approach might still be on but
> the issue of loading is probably going to cause more than desirable
> deviations in coil characteristics. So I have another which might
> eliminate the need for a central shield.
>      Suppose the structure is graded such that it has a voltage
> profile matching that of the coil. Will that do it? Probably only
> only at Fr. If several probes having different gradings were made,
> comparisons could be done. Equalization along the probe's length
> might well be necessary but it would get us to the point of having to
> deal only with low voltages/currents at the base where it exits the
> coil form. And the shunt impedance could be made arbitrarily high.
> There is the nasty impication that we would measure what we expect to
> measure but different gradings might get around that problem if all
> shunt impedances are equal.
> Any thoughts from anyone?
> Malcolm

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.