TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 16:18:06 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Article on Tesla coil performance

Hi Marco

Great to hear from you!  

My interpretation of the "Web posting guidelines" is as follows,

You can post a copy of the article on your personal web page, and
you may use AIP's formatted files for this, or your own format.
But you must:
 a) Include the copyright notice:

    'Copyright (year) American Institute of Physics. This article
     may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use
     requires prior permission of the author and the American
     Institute of Physics.';

 b) Include the full journal citation for the published paper;
 c) Include a Web link to AIP's online version of it.

So it looks like it's ok for you to post it up on the web.
I'm looking forward to reading it. I know how important it is
for departments to clock up another publication, so I can imagine
the pressure.

And you can expect nothing but encouragement from the members of
this project when it comes to publishing papers.  Of all of us,
you're in the best position, I think, to submit work into the
academic system.  Please don't be afraid to venture into areas
that intersect the work of the project - it would be very nice to
see how some of it stood up to professional scrutiny, so if you
get the urge to write any of it up properly, please go ahead and
put your name to it - you'll be the one to answer for it :)
The only thing you need do is acknowledge those who supplied
any experimental results that you might wish to use. 

Meanwhile, I hope all this leads to the chance to do some further
work with Thor.  Has your professor got something in mind for you?

Hmm, I suppose the trouble with choosing a PhD subject is you've
got to pick a subject that will give you a good career in 10 years
time, rather than something interesting today.  Such is life.

Paul Nicholson,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.