TSSP: List Archives

From: marc metlicka
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 00:12:56 -0400
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Article on Tesla coil performance

 I think it great that any exposure of T coiling at all hits the
scientific community and is a great leap in knowledge in general for
all, including the general public!
 Only through exposure will our future masters be born, and as an old
"thinker", I have to say that in your words all of our research shines.
As always,
Take care,
 Marc M.

Marco Denicolai wrote:
> Hello all,
> An article I wrote has been accepted and is scheduled for publication on
> Review of Scientic Instruments, Vol. 73, No 9, September 2002. It is
> named "Optimal performance for Tesla transformers" and presents a
> mathematical view of the process of changing L1, L2, C1 and C2 in order
> to achieve the best performance. It is based on several "classical"
> references, on my thesis and on Antonio's material too.
> I'm not mailing this to you to get more "shine". On the contrary, I
> would like to say a couple (3-4 ?) of things.
> 1. I wrote the article only because my professor from the Helsinki
> University pressed for it (to get the department name on the print, you
> know...). I feel a little like a hore, producing paper material to be
> allowed to go on with Thor's business...
> 2. I feel a little bit ashamed because there are people like Paul,
> Malcolm, Terry, Antonio, and many others that have been doing enormously
> more thinking/working/acting on these matters than me. They would merit
> many times more than me to get their name on that paper. I made sure to
> mention all material used from Antonio's web site and publications. I
> also hope it is clear from the article that it was not my own research.
> I just put together other's work results and drawn / wrote down the
> conclusions.
> 3. I just wanted to be the first telling this to you to make clear the
> two above issues, before someone starts thinking I tried to divert
> someone else's glory on me.
> Let me know if you have a different point of view on these matters,
> please :)
> At this link
> http://ojps.aip.org/servlet/HelpSystem?KEY=RSINAK&TYPE=HELP/AIPPOSTING
> you can find the (very short) "Web posting guidelines" for authors. I
> understand it so that I can put the PDF article (or a draft of it) on my
> Web page, if I include the required copyright notice. I think that means
> I can also email the same file to who I like if I include in my email
> the same notice.
> Please, could some of you (english mothertongue) check that page? Did I
> get it right? If the answer is yes I could, of course, put that article
> on my web for downloading.
> Best Regards
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> Thank you.
> Tellabs
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