TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 11:00:37 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Top Voltage

I modeled the coil details to get:

With toroid: 37.752 kHz
With toroid + rod: 37.479 kHz
With toroid + rod + 1.833 sphere: 37.138 kHz

I'm not sure whether rod and sphere were in place when you pinged
with toroid.  Assuming they were, we get

    Measured      Modelled     Error
f1:  37.801 kHz     37.138 kHz  -1.7%
f3: 113.550 kHz    113.929 kHz  +0.3%
f5: 171.773 kHz    174.632 kHz  +1.7%

so perhaps rod and sphere weren't in place?

Specific surface field gradient is highest on the sphere,
at 0.300 kV/cm/kV for the largest sphere,  thus breakout would
be at a topvolts of 26/0.3 = 87 kV topvolts.   The smallest sphere
gives 0.479 kV/cm/kV to give a breakout at 26/0.479 = 54kV.

These can be referred to the base current and primary voltage,

                Vtop    Ibase       Vpri
                (peak)  (peak)     (peak)
Small sphere:   54kV    0.6 amps    80 V
Large sphere:   87kV    0.9 amps   130 V

So by my reckoning, all three spheres should have been breaking out
comfortably with the base currents shown in S1-S3.gif.

Paul Nicholson,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.