TSSP: List Archives

From: boris petkovic
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2002 10:17:24 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Top Voltage

Hi Paul,Terry,

> >so the actual breakout appears some 50% to 70%
> higher than predicted.
> >We'll have to look more closely at this.
> Yes!!  Breakout seems to be very finicky.  
> Sometimes it is consistent, and
> other times it just does not want to breakout.  I
> suspect dust or some variable
> is greatly affecting the breakout point.
Important variable might be impulsive character of TC
impulses as well.In other words :time and shape of
pulse.Both affect conditions that maintain development
of selfsustained discharge .
For example,one may get higher results for breakout
voltages when bps are low in comparation with CW
operated TC.Also ,for small diameter smooth sphere
breakout point, max field required is more than 30
kv/cm (standard conditions given).
Still,70% discrepacy seems too high to me anyway.
Good news:with your OLTC system you will be able to
control and vary the excitation parameters at will and
see how things change.


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