TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 12:44:13 -0600
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Curiouser and curiouser!

Hi Paul,

At 08:29 AM 10/8/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>Your Q factors have just about doubled, comparing now with 
>Sept 14th,
>        Sep 14           Oct 7
>  f1    37.801 kHz       37.229 kHz
>  f3   113.550 kHz      113.864 kHz
>  f5   171.773 kHz      172.448 kHz
>  q1   42.94            84.19
>  q3   19.45            46.26
>  q5   14.32            34.37
>Not much change to the frequencies, f1 down a percent an the
>other two up 0.3% and 0.4%.   Greater Q improvement for the
>higher modes, so whatever the origin of the loss that you've
>lost, it was either coupled reactively to the coil, or 
>concentrated in one region.  

Nothing should have changed from before.  The coil was just mostly sitting. 
Only time was a factor as far as I know.

>What a difference being indoors
>for three weeks makes.  Have you altered ground arrangements?
>I guess not.  I recall similar variations with your big LTR 

Sonotube tube is pretty waxy, maybe the water just takes a long time to dry out
of it.

>When you've built your plastic cored high Q replacement, 
>see if you can ping it with and without a length of sonotube
>inserted down the middle.  I guess you'd need two lengths
>of sonotube, one bone dry, the other allow to become damp.
>That would confirm once and for all the suspicion about

I don't need a plastic one now ;-)  This one seem to work pretty well (now).  I
can play with another piece of sonotube inside it and such.  I'll see if I can
figure anything out.

>I don't know what's happening to your 3/4 wave mode on
>the running coil.  It seems to be breaking up and tcma
>is making a hash of it.  Why isn't the 1/4 wave mode split?
>Did you capture the ping starting after the quench?  Or is
>your primary desperately out of tune?  Maybe the f3 of
>the sec is being modulated by alternative f1 half cycles,
>with the IGBT's switching on and off. 114kHz when the IGBT
>is off, and 120 kHz when the IGBT is on (or maybe the other
>way?), the modulation occuring due to the pri-sec cap and
>the effective Lsec being altered.

I think I did the capture and all just right.  The running coil is very stable
and the waveform "looks fine" to the eye.  I have the data files...  Ok, I'll
try and find what I did with the disk and post the data...  I think I took the
disk to work...  I'll find it...

>You could test for that by pinging with the pinger and
>looking for the change in f3 as you manually make/break 
>the primary loop.   If such is the case, why aren't f5 
>and f7 upset?  Most curious. 

I wonder if it could be a scope alisasing thing or jitter or something... 

>Seeing that the 3/4 wave overtone of your loaded secondary
>is only a little above the 3rd harmonic of the 1/4 wave,
>perhaps the rectification in the primary circuit is 
>generating enough 3rd harmonic of f1 to upset tcma. But
>I'd have expected something at 111.4 kHz. Still, it would
>explain why the other modes aren't affected.
>(from pn2511, eq 9.8)
>R = 2 * pi * F * Lee/Q = 2 * pi * 37229 * 0.416/84.2
>  = 1200 ohms.
>That's the coil resistance referred to the base terminal,
>ie the input R.

I still get about 600 ohms...  So the Q has changed by a factor of two and the
resistance "seems off" by a factor of two...  Of course, that suggests I have
messed something up somewhere ;-)  But I sure don't know what could go
wrong...  I thought the Q equation and the models "used to" work right...  I
try to figure the discrepancy out...  The difference is like night and day so
it should be obvious...

>tssp predicts 78 for your q1, based on the estimated AC
>resistance of the winding plus an estimate of proximity loss
>from Medhurst tables.  Thus I wouldn't expect your Q to rise
>much more, ie your sonotube must be pretty well dried out by 

I have a heat lamp so I may try to "carefully" warm it up.  

So, just when I thought this was all figured out, everything went and
changed...  "Q" and "SonoTube" seem to be a wild combination!!  But if it is
just really sensitive to water absorbed in the tube, that can be fixed...



>Paul Nicholson

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.