TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 19:49:44 -0600
Subject: [TSSP] Curiouser and curiouser!

Hi All,

I tested my OLTC again tonight with the pinger and just with the normal firing
circuit (no breakout).


Starting work on peak 6: 274.048 kHz Q=384.654
      Q      F      P      corrX  corrP    corrM err
P 25.946 273301 -1.022 +0.981729 +0.498 0.985397 51.1%        
PK  FREQ kHz (Error +/-)    Q FACTOR (Error +/-)   LEVEL
 1   37.229 (0.01%,3Hz)       84.19 (0.09%, 0.1)  -0.4dB
 2  113.864 (0.01%,8Hz)       46.26 (0.70%, 0.3)  -12.3dB
 3  172.448 (0.01%,12Hz)      34.37 (2.79%, 1.0)  -17.0dB
 4  223.862 (0.01%,16Hz)      29.69 (11.17%, 3.3) -20.3dB
 5  273.388 (0.01%,19Hz)      25.94 (18.78%, 4.9) -24.1dB
 6  273.391 (0.01%,19Hz)      26.01 (18.78%, 4.9) -24.0dB
Accounted for 99.33% of input signal

Running Coil

Starting work on peak 6: 122.681 kHz Q=186.548
      Q      F      P      corrX  corrP    corrM err
P 7.407 119610 -0.097 +0.974713 +0.664 0.995348 35.2%        
PK  FREQ kHz (Error +/-)    Q FACTOR (Error +/-)   LEVEL
 1   37.148 (0.01%,2Hz)       83.73 (0.49%, 0.4)  0.0dB
 2  114.014 (0.01%,7Hz)       33.80 (22.33%, 7.5) -26.5dB
 3  172.208 (0.01%,11Hz)      35.87 (7.90%, 2.8)  -28.1dB
 4  226.978 (0.01%,15Hz)      37.49 (18.78%, 7.0) -29.4dB
 5  120.239 (0.01%,8Hz)        5.20 (100.00%, 5.2) -21.3dB
 6  119.635 (0.01%,8Hz)        7.28 (18.78%, 1.4) -23.3dB
Accounted for 97.82% of input signal

The Q seems to have almost exactly doubled to 84 now!!!!!....  Of course, I am
not complaining ;-)) but I am thinking the sonotube picked up humidity
originally and is slowly drying out over time.

If I use Q = Xl / R  I get  84 = 2 x pi x 37200 / R  where R = 2782.  However,
MicroSim says it is about 600 (series R).  Maybe Q=Xl/R has been a bad equation
to be using and that is messing my models up some??  Anyone know what the Q is
of an L, Rl, C series circuit?

TCMA did not find PK5 in the normal running coil test above and PK2 was odd.  I
think that may be due to the gap still conducting in one direction with the



============ Old 9/11/2002 message  (Top Voltage)
Hi All,

I have gotten some round brass spheres for the top of the OLTC.  The sit on a
0.375 inch diameter brass rod on top of the coil.  A current sensor is
connected to the rods base.



I have three spheres.  Their diameter is (inches):

#1  0.981
#2  1.354
#3  1.833


The secondary coil's specs are:
LsecDC = 0.487H
#28 wire
10.75 inches diameter
Base height = 3.5 inches
Winding length = 41 inches
Toroid center 50 inches
Toroid 23.5 diameter 6.5 inch cord
Height of ball center above toroid center
        #1  13.5
        #2  13.7
        #3  13.95
Rod diameter 0.375

I pinged the coil with the toroid and without:

PK  FREQ kHz (Error +/-)    Q FACTOR (Error +/-)   LEVEL
 1   37.801 (0.01%,5Hz)       42.94 (0.41%, 0.2)  -0.3dB
 2  113.550 (0.01%,16Hz)      19.45 (0.83%, 0.2)  -13.5dB
 3  171.773 (0.01%,24Hz)      14.32 (3.32%, 0.5)  -19.2dB
Accounted for 99.36% of input signal

PK  FREQ kHz (Error +/-)    Q FACTOR (Error +/-)   LEVEL
 1   52.203 (0.02%,8Hz)       27.72 (13.28%, 3.7) -0.2dB
 2  125.605 (0.02%,19Hz)      15.29 (1.97%, 0.3)  -12.4dB
 3  179.477 (0.02%,28Hz)      13.18 (5.58%, 0.7)  -17.1dB
 4  228.129 (0.02%,35Hz)      13.20 (9.39%, 1.2)  -21.1dB
 5  275.953 (0.02%,43Hz)      13.83 (13.28%, 1.8) -25.2dB
Accounted for 98.00% of input signal

I tried a little first test tonight and got the following base current wave


So I think it is ready to go.



Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.