TSSP: List Archives

From: marc metlicka
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 16:00:55 -0400
Subject: Re: [TSSP] TOPV breakout threashoul

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Bert, all
 The space charge is a very strong field i think.
In one of the early videos i made of the triggered gap firing my little
test coil, I noticed something very strange. When the safety gap would
fire the normal 2' or so leaders all of the sudden turned into a series
of very faint short streamers, many, many of them equally spaced around
the toroid. This baffled me because i assumed that any tank charge would
be dumped into ground? 
 I looked and looked at this without any good explanations coming to
mind, I mean it happened every time the safety fired.
Then i got to thinking, Maybe this charge isn't coming from the toroid
at all, maybe it is the surrounding space charge being drained into the
toroid to ground somehow?
 It sounded like such a far fetched idea that i never posted it, but it
does seem some of them were actually dissociated from the toroid.
 I know this really doesn't help us any, but i thought i'd toss it out
for review.
Take care,

Bert Hickman wrote:
> Marco.Denicolai@tellabs.com wrote:

> Hi Marco,
> I'm probably the guilty party. You're correct - a single number fails to
> adequately describe the complexity of the situation, especially for very
> fast rising pulses or where there's significant field enhancement
> through interactions with preexisting space charge.
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