TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 23:07:24 -0600
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Experiment 7

Hi Paul,

MANY GIANT thanks for doing this!!  ;-)))

Malcolm asked about grounding...

In all cases, the setup was grounded to long ground rods driven into Colorado's
clay soil.  The rods are protected from direct rain and such by covers.   They
stay bone dry 99.99% of the time in that I have them under a plastic covered
"window wells".   Any "fast" changes were not from grounding variations.


The directory at:


tells a lot.

Of course, the full ground return path is an issue.  It "seems" that the near
field ice and rain is a major contributor to the Q variations but realize that
the "full" ground path is a "big deal".  However, wetting the roof and watering
down the surrounding woodwork produced direct, profound, immediate, and obvious

Paul's concerns about not being able to precisely pinpoint "Q" seems to have
been answered in that we cannot provide a perfect external environment which is
"critical" for such. 

In thinking about the experiments, "water in the surroundings" stands out as a
giant factor in a Coil's "Q".  If rain or frost hit the roof, things changed
suddenly and dramatically!

In me early days....  I did note that there was resistance in such ground paths
in me TC models like:


in Rcself" and "Rct".

But those were just loose guesses based on one time measurements.  Apparently,
these resistance are far more dynamic considering humidity and rain's effects.

 "Q" looses a little meaning in Tesla coils with steamers in that they are so
loaded, many effects are swamped out by the streamer losses.  

So, as we may have guessed, the experiments raised more questions than
answers.  but they did show that we are on the right path :-)))

Many "stuffs" about these tests is at:




At 05:39 PM 7/8/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>I've put up a summary of those qvar experiments,
>Paul Nicholson,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.