From: Paul
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 23:57:16 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] F A N T C: - It's NEW! - and needs some TSSP input
[] Terry wrote: > This is WONDERFUL!!! I have not had a chance to play > with it a lot but it is super cool!!! Yes, hopefully everyone will at least put in their own coil data to see that it works. Mine do. For the first time, coilers will be able to calculate their reactances from the geometry alone, with no guesswork. Bart's done a terrific job with this program, and I think the result is quite a remarkable tool for the coiler. I was wondering how to go about making some of the results of the project of more benefit to coilers. Seems like Bart has gone ahead and solved the problem. I'm wondering if the tick boxes that select the predefined secondary voltage profiles should be moved from under the 'run analysis' heading and placed up under the 'select freq or capacitance analysis' section. It only applies when computing the capacitances. For resonant frequency and inductance it has no involvement. The resonant frequency analysis produces more accurate values for the reactances because it uses the calculated V/I profiles rather than the predifined ones. Perhaps the form and notes needs to draw a clearer distinction between the various analysis options, Really they group naturally into a) Total Ces for the system; Ces of a component in-situ; Ces between two components. This section involves the predefined voltage profiles selected for the secondary. b) Secondary, primary, and mutual inductances. Basically acmi, and assumes uniform current distribution in both coils, therefore generates DC values for L and M. c) Resonant frequency analysis, which calculates the V/I profiles and produces a full set of inductances and reactances based on these. Maybe things would be clearer with a separate 'run analysis' pushbutton for each of these three categories. Something like S E L E C T S Y S T E M C O M P O N E N T S X Ground Plane X Secondary X Toroid X Disc X Ceiling and Walls X Primary X Sphere X Cylinder S E L E C T F R E Q O R C A P A C I T A N C E A N A L Y S I S X Ces X Ces (topload in-situ) X Ces (coil to coil) Secondary Voltage Profile: X Loaded X Bare X Linear X DC [RUN BUTTON] S E L E C T I N D U C T A N C E A N A L Y S I S X Secondary Inductance X Primary Inductance X Mutual Inductance [RUN BUTTON] S E L E C T RESONANCE ANALYSIS [RUN BUTTON] which has a separate submit button to run each of the three types, and the predefined profiles are associated just with the Ces calcs. -- Paul Nicholson, --
Maintainer Paul Nicholson,