TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 15:24:15 +0100
Subject: [TSSP] Streamer Load Efficiency

As a by product of Terry's tcma pings of the OLTC to
find breakout thresholds, we can also get an accurate
measured value for the efficiency of energy transfer to
the streamer load.

We have the unloaded case, 

> 100 Firing Volts

> PK  FREQ kHz (Error +/-)    Q FACTOR (Error +/-)   LEVEL
> 1   37.154 (0.01%,4Hz)       93.74 (0.99%, 0.9)  0.0dB

and the 50% streamer case,

> Vfire = 270
> PK  FREQ kHz (Error +/-)    Q FACTOR (Error +/-)   LEVEL
> 1   36.954 (0.01%,2Hz)       79.52 (6.64%, 5.3)  -0.0dB

and the 100% streamer case,

> Vfire = 300
> PK  FREQ kHz (Error +/-)    Q FACTOR (Error +/-)   LEVEL
> 1   36.693 (0.01%,4Hz)       38.48 (13.28%, 5.1) -0.1dB

For the efficiency at which stored energy is transfered from the
resonator to streamers, for the 50% streamers

   Eff = 100% * (Qunloaded - Qloaded)/Qunloaded
       = 100% * (93.7-79.5)/93.7
       = 15%

and for the 100% streamers,

   Eff = 100% * (Qunloaded - Qloaded)/Qunloaded
       = 100% * (93.7-38.5)/93.7
       = 59%

That's the first time I've seen that measured properly.  Means
that of the energy that makes it across the resonator to the
secondary, 59% of it is dissipated in the streamers. Nice.
Paul Nicholson,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.