TSSP: List Archives

From: "Barton B. Anderson"
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 13:17:29 -0700
Subject: Re: [TSSP] F A N T C: - It's NEW! - and needs some TSSP input

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Hi Paul,

Ran a detail (4) in Fantc:
BTW, with a detail = Time elapsed: 3529.5 secs (900Mhz chugg)

            fantc     tssp     measured
Fres(kHz)   236.82    234.9    238 kHz
Lee(mH)     18.14     18.44
Les(mH)     18.44     18.69
Ldc(mH)     18.85     18.84    18.67
Cee(pF)     23.70     24.23
Ces(pF)     24.56     24.57
Cdc(pF)     37.31     37.50

So yes, it converges toward tssp as you mentioned.
Ran fantc at det 2 (236.5kHz, odd it's lower).

If I maintain the groundplane and ceiling radius as averaged (103"), but
put the nearest wall radius (64"), I get  234.49kHz. I suspect the largest
portion of discrepancy is due to the coil weighted to one side of the
surroundings. When I finish the misc. testing in the garage, I'll setup
outside, throw down a flat metal groundplane (old railroad crossing sign)
and go through the measurements again.

Take care,

Paul wrote:

> Nice agreement, but not typical at the details setting of 1.
> Compared with tssp we get:
>      fantc         tssp        meas
> f1   238.22 kHz   234.9 kHz   238 kHz
> Lee  18.23 mH    18.44 mH
> Les  18.55 mH    18.69 mH
> Ldc  19.28 mH    18.84 mH    18.67 mH
> Cee   23.45 pF   24.23 mH
> Ces   24.42 pF   24.57 mH
> Cdc   36.46 pF   37.50 mH
> so a little out, and we'd expect fantc to converge towards tssp as
> the detail setting is raised.
> --
> Paul Nicholson,
> --

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Hi Paul,

Ran a detail (4) in Fantc:
BTW, with a detail = Time elapsed: 3529.5 secs (900Mhz chugg)

            fantc     tssp     measured
Fres(kHz)   236.82    234.9    238 kHz
Lee(mH)     18.14     18.44
Les(mH)     18.44     18.69
Ldc(mH)     18.85     18.84    18.67
Cee(pF)     23.70     24.23
Ces(pF)     24.56     24.57
Cdc(pF)     37.31     37.50

So yes, it converges toward tssp as you mentioned.
Ran fantc at det 2 (236.5kHz, odd it's lower).

If I maintain the groundplane and ceiling radius as averaged (103"), but put the nearest wall radius (64"), I get  234.49kHz. I suspect the largest portion of discrepancy is due to the coil weighted to one side of the surroundings. When I finish the misc. testing in the garage, I'll setup outside, throw down a flat metal groundplane (old railroad crossing sign) and go through the measurements again.

Take care,

Paul wrote:

Nice agreement, but not typical at the details setting of 1.
Compared with tssp we get:

     fantc         tssp        meas
f1   238.22 kHz   234.9 kHz   238 kHz

Lee  18.23 mH    18.44 mH
Les  18.55 mH    18.69 mH
Ldc  19.28 mH    18.84 mH    18.67 mH

Cee   23.45 pF   24.23 mH
Ces   24.42 pF   24.57 mH
Cdc   36.46 pF   37.50 mH

so a little out, and we'd expect fantc to converge towards tssp as
the detail setting is raised.
Paul Nicholson,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.