TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 20:15:36 -0600
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Top Voltage

Hi All,

To follow up.  I raised the medium sphere to 7.25 inches from the top edge
of the toroid to the center of the medum sphere.  I then ran the coil at
300 Vfire where breakout was 100% of teh time and got the following:



300 Vfire raised medium shpere (base current)

PK  FREQ kHz (Error +/-)    Q FACTOR (Error +/-)   LEVEL
 1   36.693 (0.01%,4Hz)       38.48 (13.28%, 5.1) -0.1dB
 2  115.250 (0.01%,13Hz)      26.23 (37.56%, 9.9) -21.6dB
 3  176.060 (0.01%,20Hz)      32.00 (22.33%, 7.1) -24.3dB
 4  109.558 (0.01%,13Hz)      76.51 (63.17%,48.3) -26.4dB
 5  225.888 (0.01%,26Hz)      39.60 (13.28%, 5.3) -26.6dB
 6  178.144 (0.01%,20Hz)      26.29 (22.33%, 5.9) -23.6dB
 Accounted for 95.16% of input signal

I then found the point were breakout was about 50% of the time (Vfire = 270



 At about 50% breakout (base current)
 PK  FREQ kHz (Error +/-)    Q FACTOR (Error +/-)   LEVEL
 1   36.954 (0.01%,2Hz)       79.52 (6.64%, 5.3)  -0.0dB
 2  114.237 (0.01%,7Hz)       27.95 (31.58%, 8.8) -25.3dB
 3  226.181 (0.01%,15Hz)      40.36 (18.78%, 7.6) -30.3dB
 4  118.217 (0.01%,8Hz)        7.09 (22.33%, 1.6) -22.2dB
 5  275.312 (0.01%,18Hz)      42.71 (26.56%,11.3) -33.0dB
 6  182.147 (0.01%,12Hz)      15.37 (26.56%, 4.1) -27.7dB
Accounted for 98.05% of input signal



Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.