From: boris petkovic
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 08:04:05 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Top Voltage
Hi All, I have already stressed couple of things regarding brekout tresholds of TCs. I don't know the reason why but appears nobody except Paul pays attention. Please,don't get me wrong becouse of it but I have to say:None are so blind as those who will not see. Therefore,I find useful to repeat them one more time and once for all: Classical disruptively run TC effects to inital discharge processes differ from case to case and are affected more or less by 5 possible factors.These would/might be: a)Coupling and frequency b)BPS rate c)Shape and size of electrode d)Quenching e)Atmosphere conditions Regarding c ,an old dusty book I have offers the following empirical formula for min. E field necessary for corona ignition of spherical electrode (placed in a long gap): Emin~28A(1 + 0.54/SQRT(Axr)) where r..radius of spherical electrodeA..coefficient for atmosphere conditions(=1 for standard conditions) Emin..minimum E field for corona ignition Hence ,according to that one ,the breakout treshold field for Terry's OLTC setup could be as high as 40kV/cm. Another thing.I urge Terry to investigate other listed things as far as he can with present OLTC arrangment. Also,some CW tests vs brekout treshold would be welcome.I know it is much to ask,but currently you are the only one to do it in most controlable fashion. Best regards, Boris __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More
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