TSSP: List Archives

From: stk.tc@gmx.net
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 09:40:48 +0200 (MEST)
Subject: Re: [TSSP] F A N T C: - It's NEW! - and needs some TSSP input

Hi Bart, Paul,

seems like we will get a very good tool with FANTC! 

But I have to agree with Kurt on the offline-version. I also only have a 
dial-up connection like most of the german (or even non-US) guys. 
So the long online-time during calculation is not very desirable.
With an offline version, one could also implement a routine to save a set
of data to the HDD. This way one can calculate it over and over with 
minor changes without having to type in all the data again.

Keep on the good work! 
Cheers, Stefan

Kurt wrote:
> waiting such a development, I'm very enthusiastic about your FANTC, and 
> liked to try it directly, by running the first of the demo examples. 
> Well, it suddenly blocked all PC keyboard-entrys (except Ctrl-Alt-Del), 
> but after a longer time in the order of 250sec's displayed a result:  
> Running F A N T C version x.6 using core functions of G E O T C version:
> 2.0
> RUNNING DEMO: A toroided system:  (tssp => 17.3 pF)
> Computing ..... please wait
> After the result, one is again able use mouse and keys. Beeing back on 
> the program entry screen, (in Netscape 6, version 6.2.2, german; Mozilla 
> /5.0) the following message is displayed:
> =====================
> script warning:
> a script on this page is causing mozilla to run slowly. If it continues 
> to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to continue....
> =====================
> I also tried Internet Explorer version 6.0.2600.0000 (german), with 
> almost similar behavior.
> Well, I was waiting about 600 sec's, then aborting the program, without 
> further result displays. My questions:
> - considering the possible long run times (~1h recently), perhaps I 
> didn't wait long enough?
> - May be there is some problem with my version of Netscape?
> - May be there is some problem with my version of Explorer?
> - I'm using FANTC via an old analog dialup-modem (56k): is a highspeed 
> connention needed?
> - Will it be possible, to utilize FANTC offline, in some future, 'cause 
> such long runtimes will become expensive on dialup connections? My local 
> machine, however, should have enough power: 2GHz/256MB RAM. (BTW: I 
> understand, in the testphase, a distribution might not be appropriate 
> and desirable).
> Excuse me for bothering the list with these purely "computer items", it 
> may be continued off list, but for this time I thought, others might 
> encounter similar problems?
> Cheers,  Kurt
> Barton B. Anderson wrote:
> > Hi Paul,
> >
> > Ran a detail (4) in Fantc:
> > BTW, with a detail = Time elapsed: 3529.5 secs (900Mhz chugg)

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.