TSSP: List Archives

From: "Malcolm Watts"
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 09:26:45 +1300
Subject: RE: [TSSP] F A N T C: - It's NEW! - and needs some TSSP input

Hi Bart, all,
              My apologies for being tardy in trying the program. 
Some comments and questions:

I too got the warning about slow running but over-rode it. I found I 
could do other things while the program was analysing such as 
switching to other open tasks on the taskbar. The program didn't take 
long to run, assuming it ran to completion (see comments below).

Re the program's output/s - I got current and voltage profile graphs 
and suspect that both V and I are scaled downward by a factor of 10. 
They must have been secondary profiles given the values involved.

I didn't find any results for Ces, Fr and other interesting 
parameters anywhere - just the two outputs mentioned plus a drawing 
of the coil.

My topload is a sort-of oblate spheroid. To enter its parameters I 
specified the "thickness" as the minor diameter.


Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.