TSSP: List Archives

From: "Malcolm Watts"
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 17:01:56 +1300
Subject: Re: [TSSP] F A N T C: - It's NEW! - and needs some TSSP input

Hi Paul,

On 15 Oct 2002, at 22:36, Paul wrote:

> Malcolm wrote:
> > - my comment about the V and I scaling still applies
> > - Ldc for the secondary appears to be too high by about 6%
> > - Ldc for the primary appears to be high by about 12%
> > - Fres is too low (122-odd vs 130kHz)
> > - k looked to be about right
> I'd expect it to do better than that, certainly on Ldc.
> I take it this is the coil mw1 in
>  http://www.abelian.demon.co.uk/tssp/cmod/


> I'll run the details through at this end. tssp gets 46mH for
> Ldc, how does that compare?

Very well. FANTC gave 48.?mH
> You should specify your topload to fantc as a sphere. You
> can put in separate horizontal and vertical diameters to
> describe the spheroid.

Right. BTW, the primary is correct at about 18uH. Apologies. I kept 
on thinking 16 for some reason but in fact 6 is the amount it 
increased by when I added another turn several years ago. Very sorry 
about that. I can no longer fire it here. Too many changes in the 
building and nowhere to do it.
    The coil only just breaks out and the topload is a bit lumpy in 
places. Discharges to date with about Vp = 8.5kV and the 0.iuF cap 
and a rep rate randomly varying between 100 and 200 BPS hits in 
excess of 5'.
    From the plots it looks as though I could do better with a 
different value of k although it runs rather well as is. HOwever, it 
is unlikely that I will find out. 
    I have more coils planned for future construction and they won't 
have to live at work. Also, I have refined the design procedure to a 
high degree and am anxious to put put it to the test. 

    Again, my apologies for all the flimflam. I've spent most of the 
year designing a range of unrelated electronic devices with no time 
for coiling.


Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.