TSSP: List Archives

From: Paul
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 07:54:40 +0100
Subject: Re: [TSSP] F A N T C: - It's NEW! - and needs some TSSP input

Hi All,

Revised browser list,

Greg     IE5/W2k 5.00            warning message, otherwise ok.
Paul     NS4.77/linux            runs ok.
Marco    IE5.5/W2k               warning message, runs ok.
Stefan   IE5/NT4.0               warning message, otherwise ok.
Kurt     IE6/W2k 5.00   offline  warning message, otherwise ok.
         IE6/W2k 5.00   online   warning message, very, very slow.
         NS6/W2k 5.00            warning message, 200 times too slow.
Malcolm  IE5.5/W95B+             warning message, otherwise ok.
Bert     NS6/ME                  60 times to slow.
         NS7/ME                  didn't appear to run.
         NS4.7/ME                runs ok.
Matt     AOL7/W98                warning message, otherwise ok.

Thanks Greg, I had to leave you off, not knowing your browser.
Looks like a clear picture has emerged. 

Bert wrote:
>                                 N7     N4      N6
>                                 ==     ==      ==
> getting value of a form field   472    40     335   uSec

That does rather stand out.  If it applied to object properties
as well as form field values (which are properties of document
objects), it would account for the slowness because geotc does a
lot of that.

I'll make up a test page to test this out.  I just tried to
download NS7 but gave up on the 48Mbytes (14 hour download) of
bloatware.  I don't think there's anything basically broken
about scripts on NS6/7, but it looks like geotc library is
exercising some weakness.   If that's the case, I might be
able to fix it at this end.  Referencing object properties is
one good candidate, so are array extensions.  

Wonder if the registry fix for the IE warning message also fixes 
same problem on AOL7?    Does NS6 use the registry too?  If so
it may 'borrow' the settings for IE if it doesn't have its own

Paul Nicholson,

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.