TSSP: List Archives

From: Bert Hickman
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 11:36:35 -0500
Subject: Re: [TSSP] F A N T C: - It's NEW! - and needs some TSSP input

Paul wrote:
> Bart wrote:
>>anyone with NS7 or NS6, I think I've got that one fixed...
>>...a problem in J_Run.js. (compare_Cresult is undefined)
> Bert wrote:
>>Bingo! Downloaded x.7b and ...it completed in 27.9 seconds!
> But earlier, Bert wrote:
>>Paul's GeoTC Test Script did at least run on Netscape 7.0, but
>>again, it's as though it's in "slow motion"...reverting back to
>>Netscape 4.7, everything became much "snappier".
> Bart's fix wouldn't have affected the geotc-test.html, so it
> should still be running slow.  Bert, if you get the chance
> can you run
>  http://www.abelian.demon.co.uk/tssp/geotc/geotc-test.html
> on NS4 and NS7 and see how they compare for speed?  A factor
> two each way is tolerable, but if it's many times slower we need
> to look at it.
> There are some other things we could compute without much cost:
> a) DC resistance of coils;
> b) distribution of RF ground return currents in the groundplane,
>    walls, ceiling, etc;
> c) E and H field at a distance from the coil;
> d) distribution of EMF in secondary due a current in primary;
> e) location of highest surface field (breakout point);
> With option (d), someone could use the program for a thorough
> study of primary geometries which give the 'smoothest' induction.
> --
> Paul Nicholson,
> --


No problem! The results in seconds and the ratio of calculation time of 
N7 vs N4.7 for the various tests follow. As with FANTC, the profiles and 
system drawing never displayed in N7.0.

Test:	N4.7	N7:	N7 vs N4.7
=====   ====    ====    ==========
1	17.9	25.8	144%
2	10.6	16.3	154%
3	7.2	11.0	153%
4	5.3	8.4	158%
5	5.6	8.2	146%
6	22.5	37.4	166%
7	24.9	34.2	137%
8	22.8	34.2	150%
9	5.7	8.6	151%
10	4.1	4.5	110%
11	4.3	4.6	107%
12	4.4	4.6	105%
13	4.1	4.6	112%
14	2.6	3.4	131%
15	4.6	5.2	113%
16	4.4	5.1	116%
17	4.1	4.9	120%
19	4.7	7.1	151%
20	17.7	24.1	136%
21	3.5	5.0	143%
22	1.6	2.4	150%
23	16.8	21.7	129%
24	20.1	26.4	131%
25	33.9	47.1	139%
26	24.1	32.1	133%
27	28.1	33.3	119%
28	26.5	34.3	129%
29	34.1	46.6	137%
         =====   =====   ====
Total:	366.2	501.1	137%

Best regards,

-- Bert --
Bert Hickman
Stoneridge Engineering
"Electromagically" (TM) Shrunken Coins!

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.