TSSP: List Archives

From: boris petkovic
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 09:20:45 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Top Voltage

Bert Hickman  wrote:

>Part of the problem is the relatively large
> dynamic range and 
> the statistical character of the phenomena.
About large dynamic range part I agree.For breakout
observations,like Paul said,there were no signifacant
standard deviations involved.Problem was and is
significantly higher breakout threshold where Terry
starts to see streamer-arcs breakouts from the sphere
when it was placed higher.
Visible corona threshold (from formula I saw and
posted) would be about 40 kv/cm.In lower position,
software reports 42 kv/cm for corresponding observed
breakout potential which is in good agreement.But for
higher sphere position report was about 55 kv/cm.
Between 55 and 40 kv/cm with Q=94 there is cca 9
cycles of 38 kHz,between 55 and 30 kv/cm cca 19.
IMO something very interesting should be happening
during that time from physical point of view to
preserve streamer formation.I haven't gave a thought
to magnetic field effects yet becouse I think they are
irrelevant (to weak) to be cause for such behaviour.If
we can trust sofware for higher placed sphere field
prediction,puzzle must be in a weak discharge
interaction with different field configuration.
Peak currents associated with
> streamers and leaders may 
> be a million times larger, so instrumenting to
> detect/measure both may 
> be a challenge. Perhaps small corona currents can be
> indirectly detected 
> via subtle changes in secondary Q combined with
> secondary base charge 
> changes??  Tough problem...
The only problem here is requirement for
instrumentation for high precision measurment.
Once you measure Q&Fr with low energy imput ,next
times with higher and higher energy inputs but always
below visible breakout threshold.

regards ,

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