TSSP: List Archives

From: boris petkovic
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 08:25:37 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Top Voltage

Hi Bert,

> Streamer and leader propagation should occur only as
> the top terminal 
> has an increasing potential - i.e., during ringup -
> and not during 
> ringdown.
Can you always put your money on this ?
I wouldn't.It is a rare event I guess ,butI saw
scoping pic of TC where arc attached to a grounded rod
during ringdown period .It is indication to me that
arc can propagate during ringdown in some
situatuations as well.  
What about leader propation in a natural lightning ?
Source (pocket charges of cloud ) doesn't rise
difference of potential with respect to ground as
leader propagates.The electromagnetic thing (except
avearage leader current field)which is increasing is a
field at ground surface since leader by its' evolution
carries its' strong space charge field.
 If we haven't seen evidence of breakout
> during a given 
> ring-up, we'll likely not see any evidence of
> breakout during the the 
> subsequent ring-down.  If we generated corona or
> corona streamers, we've 
> injected space charge into the region near the
> terminal. 
Yes,this seems to be a problem.According to base cap
readings ,OLTC  doesn't generate injected space charge
if clearly visible breakout happens (or if generates
some it must be very small or just diffuse from cycle
to cycle).Formed streamers the observer doesn't report
in  dark either.
Therefore it should be a weak ,low energy corona,not
being  capable to develop in streamers.
Perhaps,some minimum space charge density and flux
area & shape avilable in vicinity of electrode are
necessary as Paul and I suspected are necessary (read
our earlier posts)?  


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