TSSP: List Archives

From: Bert Hickman
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 20:54:08 -0500
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Top Voltage

Thanks for discovering this, Paul!

Poking around a bit more on this site, I found that this is the first 
chapter in the book, "High Voltage Engineering", a 205 page on-line 
textbook used for teaching a graduate level Electrical Engineering/Power 
course at the University of Moratuwain in Sri Lanka. The book was 
written by the head of their EE department, Dr. J. R. Lucas.

It looks like he's quite a prolific author! Some other items of interest 
can be seen at:

Some of the other chapters are also quite interesting. For example, 
Chapter 6 has a nice discussion on sphere gaps and many other HV 
measurement techniques:

Of note - on page 94 in Chapter 6, the author discusses breakdown in 
asymmetrical gaps (where the "active" terminal is the one with the 
smaller diameter) as being preferentially from the negative terminal at 
first for small gaps. However, this characteristic "crosses over" so 
that breakdown is initiated preferentially from the positive terminal 
for larger gap spacings due to space charge and streamer effects.

The entire book and table of contents can be found at:

A summary is below:
1  Breakdown of Gaseous Insulation
2  Breakdown of Liquid and Solid Insulation
3  Lightning Phenomena
4  High Voltage Transient Analysis
5  High Voltage Cables
6  Measurement of High Voltage
7  High Voltage Generators for Testing
8  High Voltage Surge Generators
9  High Voltage Testing
10 Insulation Coordination
11 High Voltage Direct Current Transmission

Thanks again for finding this online jewel!

Best regards,

-- Bert --
Bert Hickman
Stoneridge Engineering
"Electromagically" (TM) Shrunken Coins!

Paul wrote:
> An interesting read in
>  http://elect.mrt.ac.lk/HV_Chap1.pdf
> --
> Paul Nicholson,
> --

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.