TSSP: List Archives

From: Bert Hickman
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 11:07:19 -0600
Subject: [TSSP] Found an excellent (and affordable!) book


I just bought an excellent HARDCOVER book that covers high voltage 
insulation, containing a large section on the theoretical and practical 
aspects of gas breakdown and insulation. It impressed me so much that I 
wanted to share it with the other folks on the TSSP list:

Arora, R., Mosch, W., High Voltage Insulation Engineering: Behavior of 
Dielectrics - Their Properties & Applications, New Age International 
Ltd., 1995 (2002 reprint). The total cost was about $25 USD. The book 
can be ordered via the Advanced Book Exchange (ABE) at:

The book was coauthored by a pair of EE professors to support courses in 
High Voltage Engineering at the Technical University in Dresden, Germany 
and Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, India. Printing costs were 
low since it was published in India. It's up to date, no nonsense, and 
provides much practical information... and it's also a very enjoyable 
and readable book! The authors have really distilled a tremendous amount 
of practical information into this book without going too heavily into 
gas theory and minutia. They provide thorough lists of references at the 
end of each chapter - for example, there are 94 different references 
listed for the chapter on gas dielectrics.

The chapter on gas dielectrics is excellent, covering over 120 pages, 
and building upon the discussion of E-Fields for various geometries from 
the previous chapter. Included are uniform, weakly non-uniform, and 
extremely non-uniform fields, avalanche (Townsend) breakdown, partial 
discharges (stable glow, corona(s), Trichel pulses). This is then 
expanded to cover streamer corona, effects of space charge, stem and 
leader discharges, examples of current waveforms and discharge photos, 
positive and negative leader propagation (including arrested breakout 
for each), final jump, breakdown vs. time, polarity and waveform effects 
(DC, AC Lightning Impulse (LI) and Switching Impulse (SI)), and arc 
discharges. Gas Insulated Systems (SF6 GIS) are also covered as well as 
other insulating gases. Mosch provides an excellent summary table 
showing various electrical and physical properties for 12 different 
dielectric gases and vapors. The book is liberally sprinkled with 
pictures, charts, graphs, and illustrations.

Chapters include:

1. Electrostatic Fields, Their Control and Estimation
2. Behavior of Air and Other Gaseous Dielectrics in Electric Fields
3. Electrical Properties of Vacuum as High Voltage Insulation
4. Liquid Dielectrics in High Voltage Applications
5. Solid Dielectrics and Their Behavior in Electric Fields

This book would be a welcome addition for the serious researcher of 
gaseous breakdown phenomena. And the best part - it's in print, 
affordable, and significantly less expensive than soft cover books 
covering this area!

Best regards,

-- Bert --
Bert Hickman
Stoneridge Engineering
"Electromagically" (TM) Shrunken Coins!

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