TSSP: List Archives

From: "Terrell W. Fritz"
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 21:02:00 -0700
Subject: Re: [TSSP] Greetings

Hi Barry,

We are all alive and well ;-))

Paul, Antonio, and Bart have been working on JAVATC and exact calculations 
of fields and capacitances.

I was working on some top voltage stuff but I got swamped with other work...

A lot of stuff is on the regular list so this list has not gotten any posts 
recently.  But don't think we are all asleep or anything ;-))

Happy Holidays!!



BTW - Any one know what is an "abelian"???  Maybe that abstract algebra 
group thing...

At 10:14 PM 12/20/2003, you wrote:
>Hi Paul,
>      The work of catching up on the TSSP list postings has just been
>finished.  I had a few late comments.
>      No comment on the top voltage measurement!
>      Java has been turned off on my computer.  Many web sites have trojan
>web bugs that use java to do nasty things to my computer.   I have followed
>the postings on FANTC closely and studied the java source code.
>      On another note, I haven't received any postings from the TSSP list for
>a long while.  What happened?
>  There are sure to be problems with it, here and there,
> > but the flow of bug reports seems to have dried up now, so I'd say:
> > expand the user base!
> > --
> > Paul Nicholson,
> > --
>      Now I begin reading the 12,378 Tesla list postings.  Wish me luck!
>Holiday greetings and a happy new year!

Maintainer Paul Nicholson, paul@abelian.demon.co.uk.